
Once again Martinmas is upon us.  I had not planned to do much but as the morning went on I felt more and more guilty that we would miss it.

I told the kids that Momma was tired and we might not do anything special and just have a nice walk since our beloved lantern that we usually use for walks was broken this summer.  They took it well but I could see that they still felt badly about breaking my lantern so without telling them I got working on some new lanterns.  These crocheted up really fast and to make our walk fun, I pulled out an old wool coat I have been saving for something and sewed up a cloak for one of the little ones to wear as Saint Martin did.

For those of you who are not familiar with Martinmas, it is the day we celebrate the Feast of Saint Martin de Tours.  He was a Roman soldier who was riding down a road on his horse when he came up to a poor begger, shivering in the cold and asking for help.  No one stopped to help him but Saint Martin.  He drew his sword and ripped his own cloak in half and put half of it on the beggar to keep him warm.  That night he had a dream where Christ appeared to him wearing the half cloak and said ” Martin, That which you have done for the least of your brothers, you have done unto me.”  This is our favorite quote which we keep in our laundry room next to our chart of chores and our schedule.

and I found a new lantern for our walks that is easy to replace if it should break : )  I love easy fixes and the kids feel so much better now.  Click here to see last years celebration.

The night was wonderfully cool and as we took our walk we seemed to be accompanied by an owl which we could hear every couple of minutes.  Unfortunately helicopter sized mosquitos decided to walk with us also and we had to cut our walk in half to get the baby back without him getting bit through the baby wrap he was in.

We ended the night with our lanterns on the table for a candlelit dinner and tomorrow we will take some warm coats to donate for the homeless downtown.

So sorry about the pictures.  The lack of light made for very blurry pictures but they are all I have to remember this year and I would not want to forget today.

Wishing you all the love warmth and light of Christ.

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