Three days ago the calendar changed to fall. However, the weather never got the notice. If I am honest, I have been living for fall and cooler weather all summer. Sweating outside is not my thing which sounds so funny coming from someone who lived most of her life in Florida and will again in the future. Fall is one of those things that I never knew I needed so much until I had it in my life. Fall weather means the seed ticks will vacate our woods so that I can take more than an occasional walk. I long for the color of leaves ablaze on the trees. The feeling of cool crisp air that lets us bring out our handknits once again.
In the meantime, the boys have been busy putting the tomatoes, peppers and other lovelies in the garden to good use. Homemade hot sauce made from our garden tomatoes and peppers (which I do not like even though I have heard that it is very delicious) has been at every meal lately. They got to use Charlie’s squeezo and boy is it a good tool to have around. The tomatoes go in and the juice comes out of one side with the seeds and peels on the other side. Easy peasy and then of course the chickens and water fowl get all the peels and seeds. They may even plant a few for us which we would find next spring.
Knitting has become a nightly activity again as well as dominoes and Settlers of Catan. I came upon a beautiful vintage wood card table during my thrifting excursions in a small antique shop, which has become a permanent part of our livingroom now and though I had planned on recovering the top part, it has quite grown on me and I couldn’t imagine this sweet folding table with a different fabric on top.
Decorating for fall has also been in my brain at all times and I think some new door wreaths are in order. I did notice that the girls dragged out all of our fall pennants and fabrics so they must be feeling this way too and a few changes always do our hearts good. I long for soups every night (Poppa really dislikes soup during hot weather though I still sneak one in each week) but pumpkin soup, pho, stews, its all calling to me and I can’t wait.
So what are you doing to bring about fall? I hope you are enjoying the weather wherever you happen to be and don’t forget to send some fallish thoughts our way… every little bit helps right?