Writing this post is both terrifying and exciting. It also brings back some very comforting feelings of a time when we shared our lives here with all of you. Then Instagram became more and more the place were we shared our daily adventures and somehow this one went silent. I have been meaning to dust off the cobwebs, sweep out all the corners and put out some fresh flowers on the table here. Blogging again has been a goal this year but I usually need something to push me over the edge a bit. What that push is has many parts to it. Social media has become an unfriendly place when you believe in medical freedom, educational freedom and simple ideas. More and more my words are censored and my ideas not shared because they don’t contribute to the larger plan. That’s not ok.
I have used my voice to share my truth since 2007 and I’m not done, not by a long shot. So I woke up a few months ago thinking of freedom, the freedom to speak my truth and share our life in a safe place. Here
So, I should probably start with a quick catching up of where we all are these days and what is missing from the last two years of our blogging story. But for today, I want to say that its time to get back to blogging. If you are still blogging, used to blog but have been thinking of getting back to it, or have been wanting to get started, won’t you drop your link in the comments? We need to recreate this blogging community. Don’t you miss reading what your friends were doing? Finding inspiration in others lives and sharing yours? I sure do. I’m here and I’m ready
If you are one of my old readers, please do comment, I’m so hopeful that some of you are still here!! I will be back with that catchup post tomorrow but I didn’t want another day to go by without encouraging you and inviting you to bring blogging back. Let’s go!

Yes, Yes!! I was thrilled to see this!
Hi Martha!!!! Happy New Year!
I happened to sign in to my Bloglovin account today after several years and your post was the first one to show up! I too am becoming disillusioned with social media and have thought of quitting entirely. I miss blogs. Reading your post and seeing your children all grown up brought me back to years ago when I would read your blog and my own children were little and running around underfoot. Welcome back!
oh Hannah!! that's such a sweet thoughts! Thanks for letting me know you are still here
So happy you are back!
me too Jamie!!! Thanks for being here
Oh what a wonderful surprise it was getting this mail today. I was so excited to see it. I loved reading your blog, lt suddenly seems so long ago. You are an inspiration.
it was long ago friend! I'm so sorry but I'm so happy and excited to be here now
Welcome back!! I too am actually appalled by social media although I don’t do Facebook.. I have enjoyed Instagram but when the families I follow share the unbelievable ugly comments they get if they have a different point of view or even if they post something someone doesn’t like, well their absolutely crucified…anyway welcome back
Claudette, its almost unrecognizable isn't it?? We need to build community and stick together
So happy you are back! I was so excited to get an email notification! Looking forward to catching up!
I'm so super grateful and happy to see you here!!! You made my day
Wow! It is so good to read a new post from you! I have missed this community. .
https://lisa Burbank.wordpress.com
me too… so much! Thank you for commenting Lisa. So happy you are still here
How exciting to see you back! I’m looking forward to read your recipes, tips and all the rest. Have a blessed Christmas time.
You too Laura!!! I'm so happy you are here
I’ve missed you and I’m still here. Looking forward to hearing your update.
Love from GA
Thank you Lisa!!!! I'm so happy that you are here!!! Lets do this
Lovely to see others returning to the Blogsphere! I look forward to reading posts longer than the length of a tweet or instagram post!
Yes!! I have been pulled to come back for months but that past few weeks have just cemented my resolve. I'm so excited to be here with old friends
Welcome back
thank you so so much!!
I’m so happy you are bringing this back! I found you years ago, from your pickled watermelon rind recipe (biggest hit in my family still to this day) and have loved reading your blog since! I have been slowly weening myself from social media and knowing you are starting up again makes me feel I won’t be soo detached! Looking forward to reading more!
Oh my word!!!! Terra , it has been way too many years since I have made the pickles. Watermelon isnt as plenntiful in Indiana as in Florida but now that we are back in florida I will be making it again this summer! I'm so grateful and happy that you are here friend
I was so happy to get an email notification and see that it was you!!! I’ve been missing your words of wisdom and watching your family grow.
Yay Brandi, I'm so happy to see you here!! Thank you so much. what a gift you are
Nice to see you are here again.
Happy blogging!
thank you for letting me know that you are here. Every comment has given me so much to smile about
Tricia, how lovely to see those words “Farmish Momma” pop up on my screen. I look forward to reading your blogs again. Here, in England, it is dull with gale force winds and my partner and my father have both tested positive for Covid 19 and I await my result so something to cheer me up would lighten my day!
Penny, thank you for the sweet words! It was so exciting to see your name here. I am excited to be sharing here again. I hope you all recover quickly. We had Covid here and if you want to message me on Instagram @farmishmomma I will tell you what we did to take care of ourselves. So many hugs!!