This yearly post has become such a treasure to me. Every year I make a One Year later post with that years Easter pic, in front of our favorite tree (this one which is our shady maple in the front yard and our favorite oak tree at our Florida homestead) and years past. It seems that I missed last year and possibly the year before or those pics were part of the great blog fiasco of 2015 where I lost many posts never to be found again.
Just to make sure I have them all in one spot, please amuse me as I post them here for posterity and safe keeping. The quality of the older pictures is terrible but treasures they are none the less. Boy have we purchased a lot of boys suits over the years and its safe to say most are still here somewhere.
This year, we threw out all traditions food wise and ate roasted turkey with my Thanksgiving gravy recipe and mashed potatoes, green beans (a decision made by Charlei at the 40th hour) and the usual lemon pie, ambroisia and snacks.
We went to mass very early in the morning and floated all the way home on the memory of the angelic choir singing. I did not snap a single picture of my little ones running around looking for eggs or anything else we did but we all had a wonderfully relaxing day (even the turkey seemed to roast itself) and so much food. I now have half a turkey left to reinvent and enough leftovers to take the night off from making dinner today.
I didn’t post about our Good Friday dinner but for those of you who follow our Lenten Jar or have been doing one along with us, we did actually finish filling our bean jar just in time to have a hearty white bean vegetarian Tuscan soup but also discovered the reason that the jar filled so very slowly. It seems that Mateo took it upon himself to do many nice things for his siblings however was putting the beans into the wrong jar, so the jar was emptying instead of filling. We all had a good laugh as we always do when Mateo is involved.
I hope to get lots of foraging this week as long as the rain will stay away. I have all of the natural dyes I made leftover from dying the eggs which I also need to use. I just can’t decide if I should dye some yarn or some linen. Or perhaps a bit of both. Slowly spring is arriving and it will be so nice to once again wear sandals and warm weather skirts. What are you looking forward to this week?
I love that you have the same picture thru out the years that's so cute.
Such a beautiful family. How tgeyve changed over the years.
What sweet pictures and memories!
We almost always do black beans and rice for Good Friday, but this year my sister broke her hand and we were away helping with her six little ones. So we made do with fish sandwiches and had the black beans and rice for Octave Monday. A little backwards but still good.
Fish sandwiches are what always had growing up