first clap at the fabric store


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IMG_6396 IMG_6397After noticing how plain my couch looks during Alex’s baby shower, I decided on finally making those couch cushions I bought those down filled pillows for almost a year ago.  Those pillows have become an almost permanent part of my to do pile in the sewing room.  To the readers of this blog, it may seem that I get a lot done, in fact it is the most asked question that I get.  My answer… you should see the pile of stuff I don’t get done.  Please remember that this blog is a place for me to share and remember parts of my life and I guess I don’t want to remember that huge pile of laundry waiting for me in the loft 🙂

To make the couch pillows, I needed the perfect fabric.  The perfect fabric is seldom found in the enormous selection one already owns so I was off to the fabric store.  Shopping carts are not my thing, I prefer to have Matthew in his Ergo but this day, he was very wiggly and it was getting kind of hard to look at fabric so I used those disinfecting towels (that I always tell everyone not to use because I think antibacterials are the debol <insert the voice from the mom in the movie the water boy>  <if you haven’t seen the water boy, that is how she says the word devil> to thoroughly clean the shopping cart since I don’t have one of those shopping cart covers.  He was so excited to sit there like a great big boy that while at the cutting counter I clapped at him.  When I told an elderly couple behind me in line that he was excited to sit in the cart like a big boy, they started clapping too and then Matthew followed along and he has been clapping ever since and of course we are all clapping back.

Don’t forget that today is the last day to enter the mama cloth giveaway.  I will announce the winner tomorrow morning.  Oh and I have an amazingly cool new giveaway to post tomorrow…you don’t wanna miss it!! <there is a hint, in one of the pics from yesterdays post>


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6 Responses to first clap at the fabric store

  1. Karen Hile August 8, 2013 at 8:59 pm #

    He is so adorable! Love the little farm boy pants too!

  2. Mama Moronta August 8, 2013 at 5:45 pm #

    Yay for Matthew! I miss his chubby cheeks 🙂 what fabric did you choose for the cushions?

  3. Brandi August 8, 2013 at 4:40 pm #

    I’ve been following you since just before Matthew was born, and watching, and reading, and just being so amazed at how as a family you guys are just so close, and wonderful, and it’s funny sometimes when I’m reading, I almost forget that I’m not physically part of your family. So I want to say to you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sharing, and thank you for the inspiration that each and every post brings me.

    • farmishmomma August 8, 2013 at 7:23 pm #

      Oh Brandi, You are so very welcome!! Your comment really made my day!!

  4. becky August 8, 2013 at 1:50 pm #

    He's very proud of himself! I love those "firsts"!

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