these overalls

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We finally have a few days where we have nothing else to do but what I have been waiting to do since we got here, paint.  The paint was purchased back in early November and has been waiting in a closet until there was time.  This house was recently painted and with good paint too but the colors are warm, very warm and I am feeling the need for light.

So yesterday, after we finished our school lessons, I called a painting weekend.  I told the kids to put on their work clothes and then I realized, I don’t really know where mine are.  A quick search produced my work clothing, these overalls.  These overalls which are now about the age of Erica, 14.  They are soft and comfortable with room enough to be worn during those last weeks of pregnancy when I develop the urge to paint and make things anew.  They have seen me through all of our garden seasons, construction projects and paint, oh yes they have done alot of painting.  Looking at them yesterday while painting, I saw the paint from our last three houses.  Oh, I realized that I really am a one trick pony who always picks very much the same colors for home.  Yes, these overalls are an old friend.  they would not be worth a thing to anyone else but I love them so.

We painted until dinner time when Poppa brought home a pizza party, at which point no one wanted to paint anymore.  The kids went off to have a movie night and I melted into a rocking chair to finally catch up on Downton Abbey, I am a whole season behind and enjoyed it so much though I will say, Lady Sybil dying was not a great twist to the plot.  I needed a project to work on while watching a few hours or TV last night so I cast on another longie for Mateo using my handpainted yarn, do you remember that project?   Some popcorn made with browned butter and I was a happy momma.

Today, it’s back to painting.  I hope to share a few before and afters with you soon.


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One Response to these overalls

  1. Shannnon January 13, 2014 at 4:09 pm #

    Painting is not fun! I hope you guys get it done quick 😉 Lucky you have a small army helping you out!

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