the coldest epiphany

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Baby, it’s cold outside.  Our high yesterday was a negative -2 with a low of minus 13.  In order to get through the winter with our dwindling supply of chopped wood, we are having to turn on the furnace more than I had hoped but warmth is a good thing.  Sweaters and blankets are good friends and I am so glad that I stocked up on lots of warm woolens for my babes back in the fall, so very glad.

This was the first time I was able to proclaim that there is one good thing about leaving our farm animals behind in Florida.  I could not think of how cold my farmer friends were in this storm, out there taking care of their animals.  For sure, I would have found a way to get out there and do the animal chores had I needed to but I will enjoy this unwanted break all the more.  We hope, in the spring, to add chickens and perhaps a piggie or two to our new homestead but for now it’s only the Angoras who have been living in the girl’s bathroom during this very frigid cold.

This morning the kids woke up very excited to see what they got for Epiphany.  We are all a bit under the weather with me also sick so this years festivities where kept very simple.  Presents and a reading of “The other Wise Man”, our favorite story about the last of the kings who visited the infant Jesus and why he never made it on that fateful night.  It is actually free right now for Kindle.

For me it seems the only place I could get warm enough was the kitchen.  The tea kettle was kept going all day and warm soups filled bellies.  In keeping with my intentions this year of saving money, I pulled out the frozen salmon leftovers from Christmas Eve dinner and fashioned some salmon pot pies which were quite the hit for dinner.

As I popped out of the kitchen to call helpers for serving, I walked into the family room to find a grand rabbit race going on.  Enticed by the promise of celery, a favorite of the bunnies and my children,  each bunny was lead towards the finish line.  There was celery for everyone afterwards which I thought might ruin their appetites but not to worry, every scrap of pot pie was consumed.

Once all tucked away into their warm beds, I tucked myself into a warm blanket on the couch with Poppa for the rest of that very cold day and got to do some crochet work I am working on for Matthew.

7 Responses to the coldest epiphany

  1. MotherOwl January 9, 2014 at 3:24 pm #

    You all look so warm and cozy I have trouble believing in the snow outside 😉 Both children and bunnies look cute. I love hearin about your cold winter's fun while longing for snow in my temperate homeland.

    PS. Will your stash-bashing ever return. I miss it.

    • farmishmomma January 9, 2014 at 6:04 pm #

      Thank you and I am not sure about starting the stash bash again as it gets too lonely when no one joins in and my little heart feels it every week 🙂 I am going to put my time this year into sharing my work, sharing my hundreds of patterns that I have not had the time to complete and perhaps helping others to live simpler on a real budget.

      • MotherOwl January 10, 2014 at 10:39 am #

        Yes I understand that, hosting things like that must be quite demanding. I always wondered why more people did not participate. We all – well almost all – need to bash our stash, not add to it.
        I'll just have to go on stash-bashing on my own like you and continue lurking and enjoying your pictures and ideas.
        God bless

  2. pam January 9, 2014 at 1:32 am #

    Hey, glad to see you are settling in! I see those beautiful wood floors, how warm/cold are they? I have been thinking about some wool rugs-esp bedside for next year. We currently have slate floors in the kitchen-dinning area, they are frosty! Where will you source your pigs & chooks? Do you plan on getting another milk cow? Blessings to you & your sweet family! Pam

    • farmishmomma January 9, 2014 at 6:21 pm #

      Hi Pam, We are settling though I need to start unpacking more boxes again. It seems we have unpacked all the essentials and I am now procrastinating in the rest of the boxes. They floors are not as chilly as having slate or tile and if the room is heated then they are warm. Wool rugs sound so very nice!! In the spring we will order our chicks from a hatchery, if we cannot find a local one then I will probably use Mount Healthy or McMurray and as for the piggies, we will source one locally for sure. We have no plans of another milk cow for a long time since I need to be able to pick up and head home to Florida to see my daughter and grandson and the cow, though incredibly missed at the moment, would tie me down too much. This spring holds so much to do for us. Starting over is daunting so I am taking it a step at a time but I am planning a green house, garden and the animals I mentioned :). So nice to see you here!

      • pam January 12, 2014 at 8:44 am #

        Thanks! I am doing the pre-pack planning now, so all the advice I shared w/you last year is coming home to roost. I keep walking around w/ my list going- bleeah! At least I got my better half to help me prioritize. We are deep into setting up a garage sale & putting mental stickers as we sort for air mail, suitcases or shipped ( which we won't receive for about 3-4 months). All good,as it really forces me to declutter. So you will use local suppliers for the critters? I have been checking out the 4h clubs & hope to get some leads there. Thanks again & blessing to you all. pam

  3. Sharron January 8, 2014 at 3:14 am #

    What cute rabbits!! I'm so glad we don't have animals this year! We would love to get chickens, but every winter I'm thankful we don't.

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