shredded potato casserole recipe

Well, we are no longer unplugged with electronics around here.  We have cable and internet and it feels so good to be able to connect with you again.  The kitchen, well the kitchen is a different subject.  Apparently when the movers brought down all the kitchen boxes, they must have been in the middle of the first truck and thus are mostly all buried in the middle of the garage.

I have located a few pots but still no pots big enough to make the right kind of food.  The appliances are all in there somewhere but our unplugged appliances have all been put to work.  My hand cranked food processor and shredder were called to work today. I really prefer these hand powered tools anyway and use them most of the time.

We found the baking pans and we are pretty cold this morning, a nice casserole to warm and fill bellies is in order.  This recipe was fast and it was a good way to use those organic potatoes I found on sale yesterday.  I didn’t really think about it too much as I added this and that to the meal but the oohs and aahs were enough to get me to share it with you.  Simple food is always the best.

Shredded potato casserole

You will need:

4 large potatoes, shredded

8 oz of cheddar cheese shredded

3 eggs

1 c sour cream

1 c heavy cream

1 tsp paprika

a few tablespoons of butter

salt and pepper

Shred the potatoes and cheese.  Put them in the casserole dish and mix them all together.  As you mix them, add the salt and pepper to get it mixed in also.  I like salt so I would say I put about a tablespoon but the amount you use it up to you.

In a bowl, whisk the sour cream, eggs, heavy cream and paprika together.  Pour over the potato mixture and put a few pats of butter on the top of the casserole, here and there.  Pop it in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes.  Go and snuggle up with your kids until lunch time.

This dish was so easy and most of it can be done by the kids if they like to help.  My boys love to help in the kitchen though I have to watch them because they can eat more than they help sometimes.  The next time, I think I may include some shredded onion in there too 🙂

Hope you like it and I hope you are staying warm.

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5 Responses to shredded potato casserole recipe

  1. Kinga October 24, 2013 at 4:55 pm #

    Looks delish!!! I will make one over the weekend:)

  2. Mary Pichotta October 24, 2013 at 4:34 pm #

    It looks really good. Wanted to know where you found your shredder? I need one of those.

    • farmishmomma October 25, 2013 at 2:25 pm #

      Mary, I found it where I find most things, at a yard sale or estate sale 🙂 I am sure you could find one on Ebay if you didn't want to wait to find one locally. We love it and it has 4 other blade attachments. It is super old but works really well.

  3. Kate October 24, 2013 at 4:17 pm #

    Looks delicious! Glad you are settling in better.

  4. John Starnes October 24, 2013 at 3:32 pm #

    That sounds SO good!

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