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shredded potato casserole recipe

Well, we are no longer unplugged with electronics around here.  We have cable and internet and it feels so good to be able to connect with you again.  The kitchen, well the kitchen is a different subject.  Apparently when the movers brought down all the kitchen boxes, they must have been in the middle of the first truck and thus are mostly all buried in the middle of the garage.

I have located a few pots but still no pots big enough to make the right kind of food.  The appliances are all in there somewhere but our unplugged appliances have all been put to work.  My hand cranked food processor and shredder were called to work today. I really prefer these hand powered tools anyway and use them most of the time.

We found the baking pans and we are pretty cold this morning, a nice casserole to warm and fill bellies is in order.  This recipe was fast and it was a good way to use those organic potatoes I found on sale yesterday.  I didn’t really think about it too much as I added this and that to the meal but the oohs and aahs were enough to get me to share it with you.  Simple food is always the best.

Shredded potato casserole

You will need:

4 large potatoes, shredded

8 oz of cheddar cheese shredded

3 eggs

1 c sour cream

1 c heavy cream

1 tsp paprika

a few tablespoons of butter

salt and pepper

Shred the potatoes and cheese.  Put them in the casserole dish and mix them all together.  As you mix them, add the salt and pepper to get it mixed in also.  I like salt so I would say I put about a tablespoon but the amount you use it up to you.

In a bowl, whisk the sour cream, eggs, heavy cream and paprika together.  Pour over the potato mixture and put a few pats of butter on the top of the casserole, here and there.  Pop it in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes.  Go and snuggle up with your kids until lunch time.

This dish was so easy and most of it can be done by the kids if they like to help.  My boys love to help in the kitchen though I have to watch them because they can eat more than they help sometimes.  The next time, I think I may include some shredded onion in there too 🙂

Hope you like it and I hope you are staying warm.

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in the kitchen

We have not yet finished up our school year but already everyone including me, is acting as though summer vacation has begun.  Next week will be our final week and it is getting pretty hard to concentrate.  I have already extended most bed times and have been letting morning sleepy heads be.  For me, I find myself wanting to be in two places, the sewing room and the kitchen, its much too hot outside to be enjoyable.  We venture out to work early in the morning and late evening to take care of growing and living things and then I find us back inside where its cool.

With everyone being inside more, I am hearing a lot more I’m hungries from everyone and that is keeping me busy.  Our kitchen in this house is small about half the size of our last home.  We naturally migrate towards the kitchen which is usually like the rush hour traffic lanes in town.  Every corner of it is usually occupied.

On this day, we were roasting brocolli, our favorite way to eat it (recipe here).  Also on the menu was a dish from my childhood made by cooking up some small g0reen  plantains brought to us straight from a cousins farm in Miami which I boiled and mashed up with lots of butter, olive oil and garlic and topped off with our own home raised pork cracklings from butchering day.   I am also facing a daily challenge (fun challenge) to use up the extra milk from our cow.  From just one and a half gallons we made 16 ounces of butter, 2 pounds of herbed thyme and lemon farmers cheese (which is divine sliced and fried) a cup of ricotta from the whey and today I plan to bake whey bread to use up the whey, anyone have a good recipe?

Matthew loves to watch me work in the kitchen.  I have not yet begun him on solids (more on that later) so he does not connect me working in there with food but he watches my every move and his adoring fans stay close by to make silly faces at him and give him wooden spoons to play with which he throws fully expecting us to retrieve them to keep the game going.

What are you up to these days?

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)

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