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Still no internet but perhaps tomorrow??  At least that is what the internet company is telling me.  Being here without a connection to the outside world (save our little outings to find Wifi for Poppa’s work) has cemented the fact that there is so much time I wasted before on the web.  So much time I could have used to do other things.  I promise myself to do better once the reality of internet comes to our house.

Yesterday, the boys came back from getting the mail (all the way up the road) and brought me a treasure.  A hand typed letter from a dear friend, one who I miss so very much.  A 3 page letter to be exact.  So sweet and so fitting for the week of living like its 1993 instead of 2013.  I savored every word, along with the little typos from having been typed on a typewriter that does not correct, like in the old days.  A sweet little envelope of seeds accompanied it.  Only a friend who knows me would do that and better than that is the fact that she remembered me mentioning an Asian green I grew years ago and have not been able to locate again.  Friends… they are worth more than riches.

I got the news today from Alex that she and Lewis will be moving into our house, herein after referred to as “the house” since it will now be our house and their home.  I can’t wait to see it as their home on Thanksgiving when we return to visit.

Matthew is about to walk.  I keep running around looking for him thinking that I may miss it.  He can now walk by holding on to furniture and even walls and is almost ready to let go.  He walks and crawls around everywhere, all day and thinks it so fun to have all his siblings chasing and following him everywhere.  I knew he would save walking for the new house.  In the days of packing everyone told me he would walk before we left but I know my boy, I knew he would do it once we were moved.  After all that walking and falling there is always a nap and with today’s weather, he was lucky enough to take it outside on one of our balconies, in the arms of one of his favorite brothers.

Today was much warmer than the day before which hopefully means I have more time to find winter clothing.  It is super hard clothing your children when you are trying to keep them in natural fibers.  That being said, we need to find lots of woolens, silk underlayers, mittens and such.  If you have any you wish to sell, please please send me an email.  I would really appreciate it!!

6 Responses to unplugged

  1. TracyKM October 25, 2013 at 12:40 pm #

    Silk underwear? Really? I'm in Canada, it gets to about 0F on a regular basis in winter, but usually hovers more around 10-14F. We don't need wool and silk underlayers 🙂 You'll get used to it, though I do think silk undies would be nice. What about getting silk nightgowns from a thrift store and making your own undies? Men's silk boxers are fairly common too. I will say though, that the best mitts are 100% wool. When there's snow out, I won't let the kids wear the 50% wool mitts, but you won't be getting any real snow accumulation, will you? My friends in Indiana don't, but I know local weather patterns can be different.

    • farmishmomma October 25, 2013 at 2:24 pm #

      Tracy, This area is predicting a bad winter year. In the past they have gotten a few feet of snow and we are from Florida 🙂 Yesterday it snowed a bit and we are freezing our patooties off. I don't know if we will get used to it 🙂

      • TracyKM October 29, 2013 at 12:30 pm #

        So that's where our snow went!!
        I think it's probably easier to move from warm to cold, since you can just add layers and drink hot tea. Going from cold areas to hot areas—there's only so many layers you can take off and not break some laws!
        When I was in highschool, we had a really hot summer (though it's gotten hotter since then!). I worked on a farm, and all the teens were stripped down as much as possible. Our manager was from Florida, and wore jeans and a sweatshirt every day! It was hotter then than most of the times I've been in Florida, LOL.
        Hope you get adjusted soon!

  2. Peggy October 22, 2013 at 9:53 pm #

    I will look and see if I have any wool socks that my Matthew(10) has out grown. I would be happy to pass along, we try to ware natural fibers as much as possible.

  3. Patricia October 22, 2013 at 4:20 pm #

    Check out your local Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. or another thrift shop. I've been pleasantly surprised at the wool, silk, 100% cotton, etc. items that I have found that at very cheap prices. God bless you & your beautiful family!

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