These days…My weekly journal

I know I didn’t publish my weekly journal last week so I will add it to this one.  For an explanation on each picture, scroll down to the bottom of this post.

This week we:

: :  found one last kale plant tucked in among the weeds next to one of our hoses.  I could not believe it looked so happy in the middle of summer.  (Note to self: throw some kale seeds in this bed on purpose this fall)

: :  canned up a bunch of corn cob syrup for drizzling over pancakes and waffles.  Corn cob syrup tastes amazingly like honey but with a buttery twist.  This will be the last of the corn cob jellies and syrups until there is local corn available again in late fall

: :  thankful for lots of pasta meals that can be thrown together with fresh veggies and herbs to get us through these last weeks until baby comes

::  found JP dressing Livie for morning mass to help out.   I have also noticed the other kids have been doing chores and just stepping in to help without being asked.  These are the things that make this momma happy

: :  have had to visit my chiropractor every week this last month to relieve the pain from that pesky pinched nerve in my lower back.  There are many chiropractors who specialize in taking care of pregnant women through the techniques invented by Dr Webster.  I am lucky enough to know one that learned directly from Dr Webster and he is amazing.  I walk in with legs of concrete that don’t cooperate and pain in my back and walk out ready to go

: :  painted a canvas to hang above the crib with a saying from one of our favorite story books, Love you forever by Robert Munsch. I have not been able to read it to the little ones lately because I get all choked up and cry

: :  the new kitchen counters, sink and back splash were installed and I love it so much.  It finally feels like my kitchen and I promise to share the photos when I get everything back where I want it

: :  we blew up my birthing tub (aka kiddie pool) and the kids had fun playing with it.  Unfortunately, it would not stay inflated so we had to return it and luckily the second one works perfect and is waiting for the big moment

: :  we watched for an hour while the concrete truck drove up to the barn and then just like decorating a cake, they roughly spread the concrete out evenly and then beautifully smoothed it out perfectly.  I have been waiting to have a floor in the barn for the past 5 years…I guess there is nothing like a wedding reception at home to get all those projects done

: :  made some wood polish to seal our new butcher block countertops.  Some beeswax and mineral oil and the counter tops are ready to use.  If anyone knows of a better oil that will not go rancid to use in my polish please let me know : )  I keep that little pot just for melting beeswax so that is why is looks so craggy

: :  baked a little cake for my babies “birth” day

: :  silk screened a onesie with a saying I saw on Pinterest in the beginning of my pregnancy

We are now just 2 weeks away from my due date and I am beginning to feel very uncomfortable ALL the time.  By evening I just want to crawl in my bed and working on anything is getting very hard.  Luckily, the cavelry has just arrived.  My parents came in from out of town and have set up camp in the girls room.  They are so amazingly wonderful and I am looking forward to lots of Cuban food and time to talk.  They are also infamous for doing every speck of laundry and cleaning that they can find and it couldn’t come at a better time.

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