Magic avocado cream

So sorry for getting this post up so late today.  I have been battling this terrible sore throat as well as sinus pain since yesterday and last night was very hard.  Very little sleep, stuffy nose, pain the face and so Poppa watched everyone this morning so I could get a little shut eye.IMG_6945 IMG_6947 IMG_6958 IMG_6960Last night we had Alex and Lewis over for dinner.  Being that she is expecting, I only make her very favorite meals.  Can you believe she only has 4 more weeks?  Eeeps.  It is a weird feeling really to be in love with a baby that is not in your own belly but I love her baby just as much.  Is that how Grandparents really feel?  Oh gosh did I just say the G word???  Still,  I don’t even have my own name yet.  Poppa gets to be called Poppa by his future grandchildren which I find extremely unfair since I will not be allowed to be called Momma.  Alex thinks she might want to be called Momma at some point so I have been relegated to other names which I will not share here because they begin with the G word.  My grandmother was Mama and her mother was Mama to everyone, even people who were not related so naturally I always thought Poppa and I would just be Poppa and Momma to our children and grandchildren.  Anyhoo, back to the dinner.

I went to my blog to find my recipe because I share the recipes that we come up with once they are tried and true in order to keep them in a place that they will not be lost.  The side benefit is that you get to use them too 🙂  Well, I was pretty sure I had shared it but could not find it for the life of me so…. I am sharing my favorite go to cream sauce with you.  This goes over so well with tacos or anything Mexican related but also good on shrimp, seafood, etc.

Magic avocado cream

1 cup plain yogurt
1 cup sour cream
1 avocado
3-4 cloves garlic
juice of 1 lime
sea salt

Put everything in the blender and give it a good whirl!  Taste it and if it needs more salt, add it.  Put it in the refrigerator for an hour for the flavors to develop.  You can’t make this cream too much ahead of time because the avocado will oxidize and change the color of the sauce so just make it before you make your meal then let it hang out in the fridge will you cook everything else up.

I made chicken tacos with this avocado cream a few years ago for my favorite uncle who was visiting.  A few days later I received emails from my cousins asking me how in the world I got him to eat it since he has never eaten chicken at home.  I had no idea.  He never told me he didn’t like chicken and said he loved the meal….it’s the sauce I tell ya.

I have posted the winners to this week’s Cuppow giveaway.  You can see the winner at the bottom of the original blog post here. Thank you all for entering and helping to get the word out about such a cool product!!  There will be no giveaway this week since I will be in Kentucky from Monday until Friday.  I will be blogging from there so I hope you come along with me!

7 Responses to Magic avocado cream

  1. Rebecca August 22, 2013 at 10:12 pm #

    That looks so delicious! 🙂 LOVE avocados!

  2. Jennifer August 19, 2013 at 1:37 am #

    My mom goes by Nana to our kids–my eldest came up with it, and we all loved it, so it just stuck. My dad is Papa, so we have Nana and Papa.

  3. Lauren August 17, 2013 at 4:34 am #

    Gmama or Grandmama. My children call their maternal grandmother g-mama, we tried grandmama but the kids shortened it.

  4. Emily G August 17, 2013 at 3:43 am #

    I was a follower of your old blog and when your posts stopped showing up, I thought you were taking a break. I just now found that you moved! So much goodness to catch up on. I missed your writing.

    Your parties for Alex were adorable. (She is, too). My oldest daughter christened my dad Popeye when she was just learning to talk, so I think that is his name to his grandchildren now. Since my kids call their paternal grandmother the G-word, we chose Oma for my mom because she is German. Perhaps if you're at a loss you could look to ethnic handles for grandmothers that are relevant to your heritage. Or perhaps your grandson will name you himself!

    Hope you feel better soon. I'm going to try this recipe soon. Cheaper than guac as it only uses one avocado! I know they're great for you but they're a treat for us as they are $1-1.50 ea where I live.

    • farmishmomma August 17, 2013 at 6:16 am #

      So happy that you are here Emily! Hmmm I think I kinda like Oma… not a lick of German in me but I'm pretty sure Lewis has some German in him which would make my grandbaby a little bit German haha. Thanks for the suggestion!!!

  5. Bernadette August 17, 2013 at 12:28 am #

    Can't wait to try this recipe. Thanks for sharing! Feel better! 🙂

  6. Kara August 16, 2013 at 7:55 pm #

    Oh, I wish we could get good avocados over here. What about being called "Babi"? (like baa – bee). That's what kids call their grandmothers here in the Czech Republic, and I also think it's very sweet sounding.

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