Rewriting the apple cozy


Do you remember this pattern?  Well, a few years later I am still getting requests for the pattern.  The problem is that a year after I made this offer, the pattern got lost forever in a laptop and has still not been retrieved, sadly.  Every time I get a message asking for it, I get that same sad feeling of knowing everything else that was in that laptop which I may never see again.

So, a few days ago I promised a reader that I would redo the pattern and get it to her, yesterday….  I sometimes don’t understand the amount of other things on my plate and don’t project well the amount of time it will take me to get things done.  I am almost there though.  I took one of the apple cozies I made from my pattern and have slowly redone the pattern.  I will share it here so no one has to wait for me to get around to sending them the pattern again.

In the reading corner, I found this little gem which is a reprint of a 1950’s book for little children.  Oh, so sweet!  Now, Livie has a book to read while we are at mass too.  Oh and lest you think that I never get anything fun for myself, I as looking for something at Tuesday Morning a few days ago and I allowed myself to walk through the yarn isle (there was a new shipment of awesome wool yarn goodness there but more on that misadventure later) and I found these books at 80% off which means that I walked out with these two books for less than $4 for both!  Be still my heart, I love it when that happens.

Please remember that tomorrow night is the last chance to enter the giveaway for the Peepods momma cloth giveaway and I will announce the winner at the original posting which was on the 2nd.  I can hardly wait to post this weeks new giveaway….  there is a little hint in the background of one of today’s pictures…wink, wink!

Yarning along today again with Ginny!  Now I am off to see what everyone else is up to, I also need to organize my bedroom and continue working on projects for Alexandra’s second baby shower this Sunday. Phew!


8 Responses to Rewriting the apple cozy

  1. Tenerife July 22, 2017 at 5:51 am #

    I wish we could have gone this year but it has been about three years I think since we have been. We've always loved it! Hopefully next year!
    It is wonderful when your children love what you love.

  2. Sarah Jane August 9, 2013 at 11:15 pm #

    Now, I have a few more knitting books I want to borrow from the library. Thanks.

  3. Kate August 8, 2013 at 2:18 pm #

    Love the books you walked out with! Wonderful opportunity! Looking forward to the yarn adventure.

  4. Tiffany August 8, 2013 at 2:51 am #

    YES!!!!! I need to make many of these before the school year starts. Thank you, I needed to start looking for patterns, but it is nice to know I can get it here. Thank you in advance!

  5. Anne August 7, 2013 at 4:14 pm #

    How do you "make" the sweet little sippy cup made out of a mason jar? 🙂

    • farmishmomma August 7, 2013 at 4:58 pm #

      Anne, Come back Friday and you will see 😉

      • Theresa August 9, 2013 at 11:54 am #

        I'm so excited for the sippy cup. I have the exact same little mason jar and have been trying to find/make a sippy attachment. Does this mean Alexandra is having a girl!?

        • farmishmomma August 9, 2013 at 1:51 pm #

          Oh no Theresa, She is having a boy! That little sippy cup is Olivia's.

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