under the weather





Yesterday, we woke to a blustery, rainy day.  As my children woke one by one, the complaints started to come in.  Tummies hurt, children did not want to eat and they did not want to play.  It can be no coincidence when more than two of them do not want breakfast (especially my really good eaters).  What is a momma to do?

In the midst of making tea and toast, this momma started to feel a wave of uneasiness in her own tummy and then we had three children laying on couches, in their beds and on the floor.  This momma was put to bed by Nick, Eddie and Erica who all took turns with Matthew making sure his diaper was clean, he was entertained and he had arms to sleep in while momma convalesced.

No words can relay how grateful I am for children who can take care of things when I cannot.  I spent the major part of the day staying still since that gave me the most relief, working on that sunsuit for Livie and watching episode after episode of Frontier House on the computer as the rain fell steadily outside the window.  I would have probably had a hard time staying in bed all day had it not been so dark and gloomy inside.  Have you seen Frontier House?  Are there any other farming type shows that you enjoy?


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2 Responses to under the weather

  1. Theresa Galante July 20, 2013 at 2:11 am #

    Hope you all get better soon! Nothing like a little kefir to get your belly well. Thanks for recommending Frontier House. I never heard of it, but just checked it out on Netflix, and it looks really good!

    • farmishmomma July 20, 2013 at 4:20 am #

      oh you are very welcome!! there are many more! I post them as we see them

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