Happy Mothers Day where ever you are

Being a mother.  For me it has been so many different things as the years have gone by.  Wow, that makes me sound old.  What I mean by that is that as mommas we all go through different seasons.

This morning, I was awoken by my beautiful blessings, one of which had been in bed with me the whole night.  They asked me what I wanted to do.  Of course, they already know (and you might know too if you have spent a few mothers days here with me) that I plan to spend the day in bed on every Mother’s day.  Its true.  I do it every year.  As Poppa sprang to the kitchen with his grand breakfast plans as always, the kids sat around my bed.  What do you want to do today,Momma?

I asked them to bring out the picture boxes.  We spent the next hours laughing and remembering.  All the days and years.  The parties and the ho hum regular days that have made the weave of our life.  You know what we did not remember, the messes, the tears, the problems.  All we remembered were all the wonderful things.

If you are a momma with a lot of little ones today.  My post today is for you.  If you feel like the weight on your shoulders is so heavy or that you have so much to do and no time for yourself.   If you are surrounded by many children who have not yet reached the age where they can be helpful in a way that takes some of that burden off of your shoulders.   Momma, I promise you today that someday, you will look back on these days with affection.  I have been there.

I have been that momma who looks lost at the grocery store surrounded by all her little blessings.  I have been that momma who just realized its time for bed, and I never had the chance to take a shower.  I have had 5 children under 7 with 3 in diapers.  Oh momma, I have.  I know where you are.  I promise you, it does get so much easier…. and harder.

Everyone will tell you how hard it will be to raise those little ones.  But no one, will tell you how hard it is to let them go.

As I celebrate my second mothers day without Alexandra living under our roof, I will tell you that it is a lot harder than cleaning up the messes or keeping up with all the appointments on the calendar.  So much harder than all the lessons to get to or schleping children from soccer to field trips and even harder than the mountain of laundry that is a constant in our lives.

Today, no matter where you are in your motherhood.  Stop to look around.  Today will be the good old days that you yearn for later on.  I promise.

So to all the mommas out there. Those whose children were born in their bodies and those whose children were born in their hearts. Those who are treading water and those who have already reached the life raft.  Thank you for sharing in my season as a mother through my little blog and I wish you all the very best Mother’s Day, where ever you are.

Sorry for the blurriness of these following pics but that trip down memory lane this morning left me with some pics I wanted to preserve here.

IMG_9427John Paul and I 2004
IMG_9433 IMG_9436IMG_9438 on a road trip 2002

IMG_9442 watering our garden back in 2000IMG_9444 IMG_9446 IMG_9448 Momma and Alexandra after her ballet recital Circa 1994IMG_9449IMG_9416 IMG_9418 IMG_9420 IMG_9422 IMG_9423IMG_9426brotherly love

IMG_6172 IMG_6187 IMG_6276526980_343515925737287_2081750370_nChristmas 2011IMG_2848 IMG_2878IMG_8433IMG_5694 IMG_5695Belly in grassIMG_7057copyIMG_4951 IMG_5958 IMG_6343

8 Responses to Happy Mothers Day where ever you are

  1. Vickyb May 15, 2014 at 4:44 pm #

    Beautiful – so lovely to see new posts, and old pictures.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Emily G May 15, 2014 at 3:15 am #

    I am so glad you're back! I've been checking and checking and thinking about emailing (but not doing, obviously). I was a little worried about you.

    This post had me tearing up a little bit. I love the photos. You are a beautiful momma and your love for your babies just radiates from you.

  3. Sharron May 14, 2014 at 2:59 pm #

    What beautiful pictures!! And words too. Love it.

  4. FrontierDreams May 13, 2014 at 2:20 am #

    oh Tricia! This post is beautiful beyond words! Happy mother's day to YOU – one of the most amazing mamas I know! XOXO

  5. Corinne May 12, 2014 at 5:17 pm #

    Thank you Tricia. My children often irritate me especially as we homeschool and I tend to get down about it so I will try to remember what you said and thank God for them more.
    Thank you for sharing the pictures – I almost cried. I wish I could have gotten to know you and your family better before you moved away.

  6. Jennifer May 12, 2014 at 4:37 pm #

    Thank you! That was just what I needed to hear after little to no sleep, two littles who faught with us about everything, and a papa who meant well, but needed his own baby-sitting on Mother’s Day.

  7. Katie V May 12, 2014 at 4:07 pm #

    beautiful. thank you. (from the trenches)

  8. Patricia May 12, 2014 at 12:21 pm #

    Beautiful! Glory & thanks be to God for the blessing of motherhood & all these precious children!!

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