feathering our nest post no. 3: recycled table and embroidery hoop art

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I rescued this little table about 2 years ago.  It had a long lived life as Alexandra’s vanity but a back leg was wobbly and it had really seen better day.  The front drawer had long been lost leaving a hole in the front and was discarded.  All this during my nesting phase during Matthew’s pregnancy and so of course, as any momma would, I rescued it.  I had our handiman cut it in half for me during the renovation of our old kitchen and then painted it and put it at the top of the landing next to my bedroom in our last home.  Much to Poppa’s dismay, I did not leave it behind during the move though I am sure he hoped I would have.  I just liked it enough to bring it with us and so happy I did.

The entrance to our bedroom (downstairs) leads down a wide staircase and has a small landing before turning to enter our room.  This is surely the best place for it contrasted against the green wall.  While Poppa was out, I got it all together and guess what, he loved it!

The embroidery hoop art are pieces from a quilting pack I bought about 5 years ago (where does the time go?) and though I can’t remember exactly, I know the pack has pieces from Ann Maria Horner, Jennifer Paginelli and Amy Butler.  I am not very good at keeping track of those kinds of things though.  I just love the fabric and that’s good enough for me.

The snow has fallen very thickly here and we are expecting more tomorrow but right now the sun is out and that cannot be missed.  See you all later and I have a special blog announcement on Monday so if I hope to see you then if not sooner.

4 Responses to feathering our nest post no. 3: recycled table and embroidery hoop art

  1. Brigitte January 25, 2014 at 6:25 pm #

    I am very encouraged by how you are bringing such a warm style to your modern home. We are moving and will probably purchase something fairly new. Our current house is 60 years old and feels more
    Ike the 1940s. I see now that it is all in furnishings and details, where you can get your homey style.

    Where do you find the time and energy to do so much?

  2. Lena January 25, 2014 at 5:23 am #

    It looks great!

  3. Angela Irvin January 24, 2014 at 8:04 pm #

    Awesome table, I love the colors and yes, I do recognize at least one of those fabrics as Amy Butler so I think you are right.

  4. Rita C January 24, 2014 at 8:03 pm #

    I've been lurking/visiting for a few years now and when you don't post for a few days, I really miss it. Sometimes it is the highlight of my really busy days and always a place to find some peace and rest. I love the table and everything you are doing at your new house. You always give me lots of great ideas! Just wanted to say thank you

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