Four weeks. Can you believe it has been that long since we moved here to our new home. To me it seems so long and yet how quickly the time has gone by. In baby time, it is a long time, four weeks. Yes, indeed, for my little Matthew the past four weeks have been full of milestones and accomplishments. He has now been walking for two weeks. Walking and falling of course but walking better and better everyday. This week he has added two words to his vocab. His first real two words other than Mama and Nanana which is what he says when he is hungry or sees anyone with a food or drink that he intends to repossess.
His sisters taught him to say thank you which he says whenever he is given anything and he also says it when giving us something, which we all think is adorable and hilarious. They also taught him something else. Stop it! Except when he says it, it sounds like “shtop it”. He says it and looks around for the smiles and laughs his little words will bring. These little things are the reason I blog. These are those details I want to remember and the things I hang my heart on. Truly I am blessed to have had so many of these wonderful memories with all my babies and Matthew being number nine has taught me to really stop and take in every moment. This little boy has my heart and I thank God for all the moments we all have to share with him.
Could he get any cuter?!?!?!
Our fourth baby is now almost one (tomorrow is his first birthday!). All of these little things the our children have said and done were always adorable, but it seems that the adorableness is upped by Dominic looking around expectantly for their giggles and listening to all the big kids giggling. Having these slightly older kids adds a wonderful aspect to mothering a baby. It makes me sad to think of all our friends who stopped by choice at two children and won't ever know how fun the span of ages is all together.
Reading the stories of your children is such a wonderful testimony to how beautiful a large family can be, and the joy that our children can bring!
Mrs Brian Ring, You are spot on!! I always feel sad for my momma friends who now have no more babies to cuddle.
Wonderful Tricia!
Adorable pics! I love his footie pajamas!
Well, I have missed a few months of your posts! I failed to update my blog with your new web address, so I missed your move! Are you in Indiana??? Welcome!!!!
Anne, Per my hubby, I can only say we are in Kentuckiana haha!! Those hubbies, they sure are over protective and we became easy to spot in our old town so he wants a little vagueness. Thank you neighbor!!
Totally understandable! Just wanted to welcome you to this neck of the woods, generally-speaking. We're in the north end of the state, so probably several hours away…
What a sweet baby. I don't know how far this is from you, but a fun "field trip" that I know you would enjoy is Jungle Jim's- -
It is so fun and interesting and there's lots for the kids to do too. I've only been once (at 10ish years old), but I still remember the little movie theater with the history of Jungle Jim's, each country's little shop in the store, and the decorations.
Oh my but that sounds fun! Thank you Elizabeth. We have already been to Ohio twice since being here so ya never know 😉