Stash Bashing Longies

I have not been around for a while but I think that is over now.  Why, because I have so much to share that I just didnt even know where to start and that snowballed into a feeling of not being able to write anything at all including my Thursdays Stash Bash.  Honestly, I didn’t even think anyone missed it…until I happened to visit a blog of a momma which I really enjoy today and there it was, she was Stash Bashing and continuing on even though I hadn’t been.

So today, I had written another blog post about us building our patio last month but instead I put it in the saved file and am sharing one of my stash bashing projects with you.  Thank you Samantha.

I woke up the other day thinking that I only have 4 more months to go and I have not made one thing for my baby bean.  I wanted and need to make some longies, shorties and a diaper cover or too as well as make lots and lots of wipes and I have no prefolds for newborns.  I plan on sewing some unless I find them at a really good price since I have yards and yards of organic hemp fleece and french terry but at the moment my sewing room is not usable and I cannot even get to my sewing machine.  Since Poppa has gone back to work he really has no time to get in there with me so little by little somehow I need to move everything in there up to the attic and reorganize my space.

What I can do is crochet and knit.  So I decided to start with some longies from my pattern that I made back when I was pregnant with Livie.  I got so much use out of that pattern but never finalized the newborn size so this kills two birds with one stone and will soon have a pattern to offer after almost 4 years of coming up with it.

I bought this yarn last year at Halloween time and though Patons is not my absolute favorite, it works and I got each one for…check out the price!!  I definitely couldn’t leave all this yarn at the store, could I?  Thank goodness that was before my Stash Bashing days but at least now I can use it up and get closer to my goal of using all my supplies up.

These colors remind me of the 70’s when I was little and for some reason the word stereophonic comes to mind so these are my Stereophonic longies.

I hope to show you the finished (with legs) longies next week.

Come back next Thursday for the Stash Bash blog link up and join me if you want to…I would love it.  And if you want to visit a fun blog, go on over and spend some time at Woodland Woolens  whom I hope will be stash bashing with me again next week.

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)


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