winter helmet, pointy or not


IMG_8306 IMG_8308It has become apparent that there is nothing like the impending arrival of our first true winter to get me going in the finishing knitting projects department.  Every minute that we are not packing, enjoying the visits of friends or sleeping, I have been knitting 🙂

I started this winter helmet last week and it worked up just like I saw it in my head.  It was quick and easy and it fits Matthew and I only had to take it apart two times (well, three but who is counting).  The only problem was I didn’t like the way the decreases I chose for this pattern make it look on top.  Kinda pointy, no?  To me it reminds me of a knights helmet but the point on the top is throwing it off.  Yeah, I do not like it but it will stay that way this time. Why, well because we will be in cold weather in a short 20 days or so and that does not allow me to be picky 🙂

I immediately started another which has helped me to fix some problems with my note taking to write down the pattern and this time I chose to make the decreases by knitting two together followed by a slip slip knit and it now lies flat on the top instead of pointy, me likes…yes, I do.

I planned on making one for Chris and JP next not thinking that the big boys would want one, but they have told me in no uncertain terms that they do.  So, next up are four more winter helmets as well as what to call this hat.

Oh,  I used Brambleberry yarn for both of the helmets.  Matthew’s is Meadow Blackberry worsted and I can’t remember the color of Livie’s but it is also a Blackberry worsted.  Luckily, I have a few more colors that I ordered in my last yarn binge during their last sale so I can get started on the boys helmets ASAP 🙂

Yarning along with Ginny today on our 4th straight day of non-stop rain.

9 Responses to winter helmet, pointy or not

  1. Miu October 5, 2013 at 9:09 am #

    I think the point looks cute 🙂

  2. TracyKM September 27, 2013 at 12:25 pm #

    Cute hat, and I think it's cute how you say it's going to be a "real winter" and "cold" in 20 days….It's not even cold yet up here, in the "great white north" of Canada, LOL. It's been around 21C/70F all this week. Yes, the mornings are cooler, around 45F, but my noon it's nice out. I know it's going to be different for you though! One summer I worked on a farm, and it was around 32C/90F, and our group leader was from Florida and always wore pants and a sweater! But at least you aren't moving to snow country, so you won't have that adjustment 🙂

  3. autumngeisha September 26, 2013 at 1:44 am #

    So cute! I like the pointy top myself. Adds a little style to a very practical and warm hat. Such an adorable model.

  4. Bernadette September 26, 2013 at 1:39 am #

    Adorable … both Matthew and the hat! 😉

  5. Emily G September 25, 2013 at 7:44 pm #

    The hat is cute but the baby's SO cute it's hard to pay attention to the hat. 🙂 Those eyes are just gorgeous.

    It won't be that cold in KY most likely…probably 40s at night when you arrive. I don't know if that's cold to you all, though. And babies always need hats.

  6. Lyn September 25, 2013 at 4:49 pm #

    Matthew looks so cute. The pointy top works. It really is subtle in a kind of sweet pea way. Maybe
    your new grandson can borrow it for a Halloween costume accessory. I saw a baby "pea in the pod
    costume" and it was adorable.
    Thank you for sharing your blog.

  7. Lisa September 25, 2013 at 3:10 pm #

    oooh, I like the pointy! Trying to figure out decreases can be a little frustrating, but it's so nice when I get it right (finally!). Sort of like a puzzle trying to figure it out sometimes, but when it works — such happiness!

  8. emma September 25, 2013 at 3:08 pm #

    Super cute. Could do with a few of those here – our winters are very long and cold.

  9. karen September 25, 2013 at 2:03 pm #

    cute hat and a very cute model! I like the pointy/not pointy versatility 🙂

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