Day six of Handmade Christmas Challenge- Teen girls

I guess if I was posting the more difficult challenges first I probably should have picked this one… teenage girls, oh vey!!

Really there was no shortage to gift ideas it just depends really on what your teenager likes and if they like the same stuff a week from now.  Anyhoo… here’s todays list.

Bottle cap pendants:  My daughter LOVES these and makes them for her friends.  You can find these so inexpensively on Etsy or make them yourself.  Here are some instructions.

Here is a great gift for a teenage girl of any age.  This headband by Heather Bailey looks pretty easy but high  in cute factor
or this reversible headband from The Long Thread

If she is a student or has a laptop to carry, she will probably love this messenger bag, or this one made from denim jeans (recycled of course)

For the fashionista teen in your life (and don’t they all think they are?) here are some crocheted shell lace fingerless gloves.  I will definitely be working on these.
and more jewelry… this one is so pretty and so customizable.  Glass tile pendants are super inexpensive but would make a teen girl feel like you really thought of her and what she likes.  For anyone who wants to support an artist instead of being the artist I found this glass tile pendant on Etsy and there are many more artist making others like it.

I think that moms may want to steal this one… a back to the 80’s faux tape cassette Ipod cozy.

or a candy wrapper belt?  The only problem with this project is someone needs to eat the candy (maybe, you could find some volunteers somewhere)

and as long as we are ruining our teeth with all this candy, how about some soda? soda pendants that is.  It seems that alot of this years hot stuff for teens involves recycling or upcycling

and again if you want to support an Etsy artist, here is one and there are so many others.

and to go with the pendant,  here is a soda can cozy.

So there they are, now get to work!!

I will be taking off Saturdays and Sundays during this challenge but tomorrow I will post Fridays night challenge (hey, I do have a life ya know!! as well as a farm to run)

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Day five of Handmade Christmas Challenge- Boys

I often hear so many people say that they have a hard time finding gifts for boys.  It is true that there is so much to make for girls but I had no shortage of gifts ideas for little boys during my search.  In fact,  I may have a second day because there will be too many for one.

What boy does not like adventure and when I think of adventure, I think of Indiana Jones.  Even the 40 something year old boys in my family love it.  How about an Indiana Jones Bullwhip?

You are in luck… I found one which is made of fabric and one which is made of duct tape?!!  Maybe you could find a brown fedora (Indiana Jones) style hat at a thrift store to go with the bullwhip.

You could go a little more 21st century and go with a marshmallow gun,  I can’t tell you how easy these are and you could either leave them plain or paint them, a bag of mini marshmallows and you are ready to go.  This one has a tutorial for a face shield to go with the gun.

Don’t like the idea of marshmallows flying around your house?  How about rubber bands?  I found a tutorial on how to make a rubberband gun.

Alright,  here is a nice quiet gift, a car mat with roads to run little cars on.  It is made of felt, and super simple to make.  You could bundle it with some little cars and make any little boy happy.  The tutorial is in spanish or probably Portuguese but just the pics are enough to get you going.
Here is a gift to alleviate the winter cabin fever episodes, an indoor swing!!  Yes, it is possible and cost little to make.  Check it out.
And once they get going how about some homemade lollipops?  These are really easy and made from hard candies, can you say, recycle that Halloween candy?
Of course after all that shooting, playing, swinging and candy they will need a bath.  This soap is sure to send them running for the tub.  Here we have some Batman soap and this one is my fave… goldfish in a bag soap!!!  Too cute.

 what did I tell you , cute huh?

And from the tub to bedtime,  I always have a hard time finding pajama pants that I like for my kids.  With this super easy tutorial you can make them their pj’s yourself.  This is an important one in my family.  My mom started a tradition when I was little of giving us a new pajama on Christmas Eve and my kids look forward to their new jammies every year.  There is nothing like going to sleep in new pajamas on a night when there is so much magic.

That’s all folks, now get to work.

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