Knitting tragedy

Saturday was a most wonderful day with farming friends.  The kind of day that stays with me for a while.  Whenever Nate and Charlei come over to spend a day there is lots to eat, share and knit.  The men folk and boys spent time drinking some homemade brew while hours of card playing occurred.  At some point even the little ones learned how to play some card games.

We women baked challah, made some farmers cheese, cooked an abundance of great food and spent lots of time out in the garden.  As the day stretched into the evening we sat down to do some knitting.  Chatting by the piano, I remembered Matthew’s Peurperium sweater which was still sitting in the basket under the coffee table (since May), waiting for me to attach buttons to.

here is a picture of the almost finished sweater taken in May (just needing buttons to be done)
I pulled it out of the basket to show my friend when I felt my finger go right through the sleeve.  Not only that but the more I pulled out of the sweater the more apparent it became that all was not right here. That was when I remembered that our bunny Lola had been hanging out under the coffee table that morning.  My heart sank!

Because I was not alone and could not give into the luxury of screaming and crying over what I was holding in my hands, I just sat there quietly, with my head hanging low.  I would have eventually cried if Charlei had not said “I would say sorry but I didn’t eat the sweater”.  I looked at her and could not hold in the laugh which came out in such a way that I could not continue my sorrow over the nibbled sweater.

She also reminded me that Matthew would not need the sweater for about another 5 months and she was of course right though I was bummed because for once I was way ahead of the game with Matthews sweater completely way before I needed it done.  I studied it and there was so much damage to so many parts that repairing the sweater was not a possibility.  After frogging it, there is just not enough usable yarn to remake the sweater so I will have to make him another from a different yarn.  This yarn is my absolute favorite yarn but I will need a smaller project to reuse it.

I will leave you now with  picture of my little sweetie (enjoying his first foods) as he is in summer, nothin but a diaper necessary.  There is time to make another sweater and I will remember to put Lola away in her hutch when she is not being supervised. (Note to self:  If I had put the buttons on and hung the sweater up, none of this would have happened).

Knitting along with Ginny today.  See you tomorrow!

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2 Responses to Knitting tragedy

  1. Mommy to 2 handsome July 5, 2013 at 9:20 pm #

    Oh so sorry about Matthew's sweater! Boohoo :'( At least some yarn was salvageable! Love reading your blog 🙂

  2. Bethany Trimble July 4, 2013 at 4:49 am #

    Oh, I'm so sorry about the sweater! Maybe a cute aviator hat is in order for the autumn, as an instant gratification project, and one done quickly enough that bun-bun doesn't get to it? Maybe it was meant to be: you can use the leftover yarn to make hats for both your wee one AND your new grand-baby!

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