Spring Cleaning Day 1, 2010

I posted here last year, the true origins of spring cleaning.  This will be our second year doing 3 days of spring cleaning and though I am using my list from last year as a guide, this year we are incorporating more projects because Poppa took the whole week off to help.

Today we are starting in the kitchen.  The cabinets, appliances and refrigerator were given a good scrub and cleaning.  The counter tops were cleared and really deep cleaned.  The baseboards and floors were scrubbed and cleaned as well.  Cabinets and drawers were not cleaned out this year because they are pretty much still empty from our almost move.  Anybody know how to get motivated to unpack everything you packed when you thought you were going to move?

Next we turned our attentions to the kids rooms and closets.  Closets and drawers were emptied and organized.  All kids rooms were re-organized and cleaned and I found out exactly how much clothing my children own, phew!!!  I hope to not hear them say that they have nothing to wear ever again.

I am working on pink silk skirts for the girls to wear on Easter as well as making small ties for my boys and silk hairbows, toys for baskets and lots of other stuff.  I promise to share in a few days.  Right now, I am plopped on my coach wondering how the day flew by so fast.

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