And the winner is…


Angela said: This is exactly what my sister and I was talking about tonight. The water being so good. I have cancer/lupus/sarcoidosis and congestive heart failure. I am 47. My immune system is just not there at all. We are looking for things to try to boost me. I am having surgery soon to remove a brain tumor and want my body to be as ready as possible. Thank you for the recipes!

Congratulations to Angela,  please get in touch with me so you can pick the ferment of your choice.

Sorry for the delay everyone,  I have had two deaths to friends and parents of friends in the last 2 weeks and every spare moment went to work on the farm.

One Response to And the winner is…

  1. Angela May 6, 2010 at 6:37 am #

    Thank you so much. I have responded to your email.

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