Get away day… a day to re-charge and re-inspire

Do you ever have so many ideas and projects in your head waiting to be given some life that you feel like you can’t do any of them.  I do.

It was time for a day off.  When I was a newer mom and left my 9 to 5 to be a full time stay at home Mom, every Monday was my day off.  I would spend the whole week planning how to fill the day.  Looking back at pictures of our house, it was alot more creatively furnished and decorated.  Partly because we did not have alot of money so I could not just go out to Pottery Barn and buy the furniture I wanted.  I had to get creative.

As the years have gone by, like most couples we have acquired the things we wanted and have settled in but sometimes I need to get out and recharge myself.  For the last 6 years my get away partner has been Alexandra but lately I have added Nick to my day off activities.  Nothing fancy just a whole day at Barnes and Nobles getting lost in every book that looks good.  When we get hungry we get a bite and then back to the reading chairs.  Both of my get away partners can find enough to read to keep busy from morning when we arrive until we get thrown out at closing time.

some inspirations from the sewing, cooking, decorating treasures I delved into on my get away day
so cute, not something i would make but the point is to get reinspired

This picture reminded me so much of the things I put into our first home
love this vintage feel
                                                          a little lovely foodie inspiration
ready to go home and tackle my sewing projects

the newest member of our get away gang.  You gotta love a kids who can throw himself into a pile of books all day.
and all too soon our day is gone and its time to go home and get going again…


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One Response to Get away day… a day to re-charge and re-inspire

  1. Jami September 16, 2010 at 12:39 am #

    Gosh, I could use one of those too! A day off to get re-inspired is just what I need!

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