Opinions wanted…apply within!

So it took me all day yesterday to realize that I mentioned doing Stash Bash today thinking that yesterday was Wednesday when in deed it was Thursday!!  How did I lose a whole day??

Feeling anxious today!  Honestly.  Not sure why.  Perhaps it is because my older children will all be going to their first sleep away sleepover, though I know they will be in good hands, excellent hands.  Perhaps it is because we found a Jersey cow in milk with a 4 week old bull calf to provide milk for us, though I have been working on this next step for our farm for the two years since we sent Chloe to the butcher.  Perhaps it is because I need to build a cow pen and milking stanchion.  Not sure but something is giving me anxiety!!

I also am feeling super apprehensive about this here blog of mine.  I find myself having so much to say and share and yet having my blog crashing down on me while I am in the middle of get my thoughts into words is no fun!!  I think Google has something to do with it so I have switched to Safari (which is where I am writing from right now, so far, so good).  Truth be told, I want to update this space and just am no good at it.  I have written this all before and have gotten a few good recommendations for some very talented blog designers but really I can’t afford to pay them.  I need to put my money into a cow, new fencing, farm projects etc.

I also need some opinions from you my readers.  I went to buy my domain name to begin the migration of this blog only to find that someone already owns it???  I know that in the past 4-5 years since I started this blog there are two other women out there that have copied me in some clever way such as using the blog name Crunchy Catholic Mama instead of  Momma etc.  Alexandra told me to just buy the .org name but none of it feels right to me.  I have also become quite annoyed by the word “Crunchy” just as I did with the word “green” once the whole world started saying it so here it is….  Would it be terrible if I changed the name of this blog??  I know lots of other bloggers who have outgrown their names but how would people find me if I move from here?

So much to think about.  I have come up with a few new names but the one I love the most is “Farmish Momma”.  I love my Catholic faith and the change in name would have nothing to do with a change in that but I feel it fits me?  What do you think?  Would you be upset or offended?  Thank you for your opinions, they really mean alot to me!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)


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14 Responses to Opinions wanted…apply within!

  1. Celebrate the Rhythm May 10, 2013 at 12:13 am #

    I love visiting your blog and to me you are THE Crunchy Catholic Momma, I really appreciate the Catholic in your title. That said, I would still read you with any title. Could you add a _between words or spell Crunchy? or Crunchie? or wait until the person who registered crunchycatholicmomma.com renews at renewal time if you want to keep the title?

  2. rogerandkatie May 4, 2013 at 8:06 pm #

    I love this blog!! You are such an inpiration! For me 2 cents, I would really like for you to keep Catholic in the title. It is how I found you, and knew that you were not just a fill- the pew-on Easter and Christmas Catholic.

  3. Jennifer May 3, 2013 at 3:11 am #

    Your blog name doesn't matter, as it is still your sparkling personality which will show through.

  4. Teri April 22, 2013 at 4:30 pm #

    I love that you have "Catholic" in your current blog name and would be disappointed to see it left out of any new name you come up with. I found you specifically because of the "catholic" piece. The blogging world needs more authentic catholic presence/witness. There's a lot of "crunchy" out there already…

  5. sonrie April 21, 2013 at 1:26 am #

    hi, only you must be satisfied with your blog title, the good news is that you are in a position to give it a unique name. personally, I like the use of Catholic in the blog title, since it is a rare find. titles such as 'green, crunchy, farm, garden, etc' are very hip right now and sometimes seem to lose their uniqueness. just my opinion. I admire your family, lifestyle, and farm – I have chickens but to have a cow!! And Jersey cows are so beautiful!

  6. Peg April 20, 2013 at 10:52 pm #

    Hi Tricia, you've motivated me to reply to your blog after a long silence. I AM reading regularly as you know, whether I speak up or not. It's the time thing. I've always absolutely LOVED your blog name. Whatever you call it, I would STILL read and look at the beautiful pictures. For sure, Momma has to stay in there! Farmish immediately made me think of Amish for some reason. Maybe that's just a quirk in my brain???? Crunchy and Catholic flowed nicely….some other words that could be considered in the title: Family, Florida, Farmstead, Food Forest…..I know you'll find the right one. Also, maybe it would help to compose in your word processor (saving every so often in case anything crashes) and then copy and paste the final copy into the blog? And wondering if some of the replies got lost totally? Gone from this list of replies? (I see 8 before mine) I'm referring to something you said in the post the next day after this one.

  7. Erin April 20, 2013 at 5:37 am #

    ETA; reading your comments, Mrs Sunny Spot, I LOVE your new blog title, it tells me far more, sounds very interesting, off to read your blog:)

  8. Erin April 20, 2013 at 5:35 am #

    TriciaI'm only a new reader but thought I'd chime in. I believe your blog name has to reflect you, sharing one (or more) of your strongest passions, interests. Though we can change, it is sometimes so hard to be able to see far ahead. If you feel you have outgrown your name, do change but choose your new name to be able to encompass where you are now or heading.Regards blog designs, I recently revamped my blog (blogspot) and am humbly happy to share with you what I have learnt if any of the design features on my blog appeal. I'm quite techno challenged so if I can, so can anyone.email is aussiethreads@gmail.comblog obviously in my link:)oh btw I also have 9 children, am Catholic, crunchy (American term) and live on a rural property, though we are in Australia.

  9. Bethany Trimble April 20, 2013 at 5:12 am #

    I know I wouldn't be offended in leaving 'catholic' out of the title: the title if your blog doesn't change the wonderful person you are or the beautiful ideals and faith you share with us. Your heart will tell you what your best move is! I'll pray that your decision comes easily for you!

  10. Mrs. Sunny Spot April 20, 2013 at 4:38 am #

    Go ahead and change it, I changed mine after I found someone else had the same name but instead of Gardening Adventures it was Garden Adventures. Now I am Adventures of a Homesteading City Girl. 🙂

  11. Sarah B April 20, 2013 at 4:35 am #

    I enjoy reading your blog, no matter its title.

  12. Rachel~ At the Butte April 20, 2013 at 1:33 am #

    Well, no matter what you choose for your blog/domain name you can have it set up to redirect anyone from your old blog name and domain to your new one. I know that is pretty easy once you buy a domain name. Personally, I enjoy reading how you live your faith with your family, even though we are not Catholic. I also enjoy reading about your farm-y and crafty endeavors… I would still read your blog, no matter what you decide to call it! Lots of choices for you…I'm sure your readers all love you enough to follow no matter what you chose to call your blog.Hugs~Rachel

  13. lisa April 20, 2013 at 12:54 am #

    Hi Tricia,Well, Since you asked… I'd still love to read your blog no matter what you title it. I do believe the Lord will lead readers to your site whatever the name. Thanks so much for all that you share. I'll be praying as you make your decisions.~lisa

  14. Anonymous April 19, 2013 at 11:03 pm #

    Hi Tricia I really love your blog! After reading your post today, I wanted to share that I like that your blog name has the word Catholic in it. Coming upon the completion of our first year in homeschooling, I was happy to find your blog after searching for "Catholic Mom" blogs. The farm theme is cool too. We are whole food conscious and gluten free so the word "crunchy" attracted me also. Hope this comment helps, Karen S.

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