Farm Security

Thank you all for your opinions, comments and encouragement.  Though more than half of the comments were slowly eaten by Blogger (grrr) I did read each one.  I truly am grateful to each and every one of my readers, you all mean so much to me…you know that, right?

Baby animal duty has us up pretty early lately around here.  Luckily, baby animals grow up quickly, and baby humans do not : )  As much as I am cherishing every minute of my own sweet baby being in my arms, I do need him to sleep a little more at night so that this farm momma can get going a little quicker in the morning (more complaining about that in the near future I am sure).

One of our new farm babies is Fiona, our new Great Pyrenees puppy.  She is a livestock guardian dog and will be in charge of farm security.  She might look small now but she will grow to fill the big shoes of head of security!  We are so excited to have found her after looking for quite a while and not finding a pup that we could afford.  She is now being trained by walking with me the perimeter of our farm every morning and she hangs out during the day with the chickens who are her main customers.  Hopefully having a farm dog again will mean losing less of our chickens to predators.

I am now off to work on the new cow pen.  I expect our cow to be here in another week or two at the most.  The wonderful woman we are buying her from will be teaching me to hand milk on Monday morning….soooo exciting!!  I hope to buy a milking machine soon but until I can afford another big investment like that, I shall be a milking farm momma!!  (hmmm sounds kind of like a blog name haha just kidding)  though I wonder if Farm Momma would work better than Farmish Momma.  Yikes, this is kind of like naming a baby!! or rather renaming a baby! or a five year old.  I hope you all have a great Saturday!!

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)


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2 Responses to Farm Security

  1. Anonymous April 21, 2013 at 1:05 pm #

    How wonderful!! these dogs are such great companions!Peggy

  2. Bethany Trimble April 21, 2013 at 4:03 am #

    Thank you for voicing your desire for your little one to sleep more! I read it just as I was in the brink of tears after my little one's fretful fighting of sleep this evening (he's a month older than your Matthew.). Made me feel not so alone! Thanks!

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