Do something Saturday – at the Farmers Market

There is not much that I love more than going to the Farmer’s market.  As I have stated before, I support handmade, homemade, home grown!  I would rather give my money to a person who made or grew a product to giving my money to a big corporation who cares little about the people who actually purchase what they sell.

Our town has a cute but little Farmer’s Market where we sometimes have a booth. This week we went in search of a different, never been to market in historic Ybor City.  I love this little town, it is chock full of beautiful old buildings, shops, restaurants and I could easily spend the day there.  It kind of reminds me of the Village in NY, minus the freakies.

 there were only a few of veggie sellers and only one actually grew everything himself so I guess this means we will have to continue our quest for the best market around.
handmade soaps just in time…I was out of my patchouli

 a pack of therapy dogs, I see more kids than dogs

and my new friend, Averil, The Happy Baker.  She was selling a palette of different types of banana breads and other wonderful baked goodies.  We tried all the samples and bought three different types, Pilgrim Pumpkin (mine!) Chocolate chuckle chip, and Banana coconut. Of course I could make my own but today I purchased the one she put her love into.

 and boy were they good!  Support handmade, homemade.

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