Silent Friday

IMG_6073 IMG_6075 IMG_6077 IMG_6079 IMG_6081I am breaking my Holy Week fast to come and share just a little bit of our Good Friday.

As I was taught as a child,  we have taught our children that Good Friday is a day of quiet and remembrance.  We keep quiet in the house which of course is a challenge with babies.  They of course do not understand but we do our best to read and play with them in a quiet manner.  In my house growing up, my momma would have been cooking cod fish which really dislike.  In our home, we mostly fast on Good Friday set aside for a small breakfast and lunch followed by a simple dinner.  I let the kids decide if they will fast and every year, they take it on themselves.  Tonight we will satisfy that hunger with our bean soup as we do every year.  I have spoken of our Lenten Jar before.

It has been storming here so bad that there was an explosion at the GE Plant 45 minutes from here,  the zoo I hear is closed due to ash raining down from the explosion and many a friend woke up to a flooded basement.  We have been blessed to have no damage here.  Just a few little ones rattled by the thunder who seeked refuge with a big sibling.

No work is done today.  We did it all yesterday and whatever was not done is not important.  There is always tomorrow.  Today we will finish watching Jesus of Nazareth on DVD.  It is a very long movie and I watched it every year on tv as a child.  We usually start watching it little by little on Monday of Holy Week.  Do you remember it on tv so long ago?

We hold silence from the hours of 12 to 3.  Little ones take their nap during this time.  The rest of us watch the movie.  We will then go to Stations of the Cross.

The rest of today will be spent reading books, knitting and just being together.  Tomorrow will be a busy day of preparations for a glorious Easter.  I have a list as long as my arm but it will all be done as I can.  I am thinking of adding something new to our yearly Easter lunch.  Not sure yet what that might be.

I will, by God’s grace, be here tomorrow or Easter to share with you our celebration and also this years Easter outfits.  I may or may not have a bow tie to make.


2 Responses to Silent Friday

  1. Corinne April 4, 2015 at 5:45 pm #

    I wish my family would have been quiet yesterday, but my children aren't that mature yet / aren't used to it. I had an appointment in that time anyway. Catherine tried to be quiet during noon to 3 at least.
    We had a Lenten jar this year. Thanks for that idea. I sort of cheated and mixed the beans with lots of other ingredients to make Mexican Rice, Bean, and Cheese Burritos (my children chose to eat them as tacos, which worked because I haven't folded burritos before anyway) and we all liked it – which doesn't include my husband, who doesn't eat Mexican or beans.
    I'm glad you go to go to Stations of the Cross for the last time this year yesterday. I wish I could have (the appointment was during that time; for some reason the seminary had it at 3 instead of at night like they have been).
    God bless you and the rest of the 'G' family this Lent and Eastertide!

  2. Sharron April 4, 2015 at 2:17 am #

    Love this peek into your day. It sounds quite beautiful!! Can’t wait to see your outfits!!

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