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My JP is 11.  My Clark Kent (I have always thought that he looks just like him).  My cuddly little boy.  Eleven.

Sweet and tender hearted but quick to temper, all in one.  As a baby he cuddled with me almost as much as Matthew has.  He woke me every hour around the clock for his first year and hated every minute of being in the car.  Oh the years of trying to go to garage sails with JP in tow.  Yesterday we woke him with our customary birthday sneak attack where we all try to wake up earlier than the birthday person.  We all sneak into their room together (are you imagining how difficult it would be to sneak in 9 people without making a sound??  ok good, just checking) and then belt out our birthday song as they sleep.   Except JP is a super early riser so every year he just pretends to still be asleep as he waits for his late rising family to sneak in and start his day.  After the happy birthday song has been sung, everyone turns their attention to me as the subtle reminder that it is a tradition for momma to sign the same song my momma always sang me.  It is in Spanish and sadly they don’t understand a word I am saying but have heard it so many times that they can sing it too though I am the only voice heard at this moment.  My voice, usually squeeky at this early hour.  The look to me all the same.  I could not possibly not sing it though I always get a teeny butterfly in the stomach moment and secretly wish I didn’t have to.  I get passed myself and continue with the tradition.

We are treated to a breakfast cooked largely by the girls except for Eddie’s bacon.  Eddie is our lover of bacon and he does not entrust our precious bacon to anyone else.  Today we are not having bacon from our favorite bacon farmer.  Instead we are trying out some in house smoked and cured, nitrate free bacon from Lucky’s.  A new grocery spot that a friend introduced me to.  They have a bulk section that I was impressed by and more fill yourself items than I find at Whole Foods!  More about that another day but I will add that you can drink a beer while you shop.  Nuff said.

After breakfast, gifts are opened along with that birthday card from Grandma Yoli which JP knows has been in Momma’s bag for a month now.  He loves the words as much as the contents because he is my sweet boy.  This year I decided to make a special birthday bag embroidered as such so that it does not end up with the same fate as all of our other birthday bags, given to a friend or used to collect treasures and not usuable for gifts after that.  I decided to do the embroidery in spanish, don’t ask why but it seemed important.

The rest of the day was spent outside, playing running, sitting together as we all love to do.  Eleven years I have gotten to spend with this child.  Eleven.


11 Responses to 11

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  5. Heather March 21, 2015 at 1:53 am #

    So happy to see you blog again.

  6. Mimip March 19, 2015 at 12:56 pm #

    Happy Birthday JP!!!!! I still remember he was a lil’ babe in your arms when we met! My first Gaitan baby;) many blessings to the whole family and welcome back to blogging. We’ve missed you.

    • farmishmomma March 22, 2015 at 3:05 am #

      Mimi, can you beleive it has been that long?? Remember our scrap booking nights?

  7. Jacki B March 18, 2015 at 5:16 pm #

    Happiest of Birthdays to your sweet boy! Family traditions are what bind us together as a family for years to come. How sweet to think that one day your babies will sing the same Spanish song for their babies. I have to ask…….is it the Mañanitas song?

    • farmishmomma March 19, 2015 at 4:05 am #

      Yes Jacki B!!! It is! Is that a tradition in your family too?

      • Jacki B March 19, 2015 at 5:09 pm #

        My momma always calls us up and sings it to us! You have inspired me to sing it for my monkeys too. Hopefully they'll look to me as your babies look to you instead of running for the hills 🙂 Hugs to you!

        • farmishmomma March 22, 2015 at 3:04 am #

          Jacki, You made me laugh!!! I'm sure they won't run for the hills 🙂

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