The rhythm of our week. Wednesday: Laundry day

I missed getting this on the blog yesterday because I spent my computer time trying to get a Facebook page going. Phew!  Glad that is done.  It was not easy, I am not a proficient computer person so there was a lot of hair pulled out yesterday but if you look on the upper right hand corner, you can now “like me”…um if you like me : )

So to continue with my week of daily rhythm here we go with Laundry day.  Around here we do a few loads a day, so what makes Wednesday laundry day?  Well, its the day when all beds get stripped and bedding gets washed, all towels are done, the laundry room gets cleaned up and hopefully the laundry shoot is empty by end of day.  All clothes and diapers are dried and sunned (there is nothing like sleeping on sun dried sheets).

The kids strip all the beds and throw all the bedding over the banisters into a pile down in the foyer.  Today, I was taking the picture and found a little dolly thought the pile looked comfy and was sweetly resting among the sheets and blankets.

Today I was in desperate need of making more laundry soap.  Making it yourself makes it so much cheaper than buying it at the store, I’m talking dirt cheap. I posted my recipe a few years ago here but since then I have changed things a bit so I guess today is a good day to share that with you.

1 bar Fels Naphta, Zote, or castile soap (I use Dr Bronners if I can find it on sale)
2 cups Washing soda (not the same thing as baking soda)
2 cups Borax (50 Mule Team or whatever borax you have in your neck of the woods)
1/2 cup baking soda (works awesome on smelly clothes)

Grate up the bar of soap, I whirl it around  quickly in my food processor to make the soap shreds into a powder then add the other ingredients and mix it all up good. Put it into your laundry container and use 1 tablespoon per load or 2 tablespoons for bigger loads.

There are plenty of recipes on the internet and you can take this another step and cook it into a gel which sounds like it makes a more economical soap but I have used the powder for years and do not like plastic bottles of buckets hanging around.

If you have a rhythm you would like to share please leave a link in the comments or just share it with us.

2 Responses to The rhythm of our week. Wednesday: Laundry day

  1. Crunchy Momma September 30, 2011 at 3:21 am #

    Oh, I wish I was more computer savy. I have no idea what to do about that?

  2. Anonymous September 29, 2011 at 7:45 pm #

    I’m having a tiny problem I can’t seem to be able to subscribe your feed, I’m using google reader by the way.

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