Fire Station Tour

Less is usually more with us and leaving the house is not honestly my favorite thing to do.  Its not that it is hard or anything, it is just that our land is where we are grounded and centered and its where I love to be.  I do make the time to get the kids out alot during the week but I am always longing to be back home within a few hours.

I had planned a trip to the zoo which would be an all day thing.  We got up, did all the farm chores, left all animals, milked, fed, moved to new locations and comfortable.  Then we packed a lunch and headed out.  The zoo trip would be all afternoon followed by a Dino exhibit at night that the little boys where counted the days until it would be time to go.  One problem, there would be a two hour span of time where the zoo would be closed and then reopened and we were about an hour away from home.  I will post the zoo pictures in a few days since it would be a little overwhelming picturewise.

I called a wonderful friend, Tanja, who is a firefighter to see if she could give us a tour of the firehouse.  We would only be 15 minutes away from the zoo and I love being around her, she is a super great teacher and I knew the kids would love her tour.

It turned out to be the mac daddy of firehouse tours with the kids being allowed to climb into most of the vehicles, ask a gazillion questions and even put on her firesuit. I am truly grateful for the wonderful people we know.

did I mention that she is a great teacher

we got a demonstration on how quickly they can get their gear on for a real fire 

and how hot they get inside their suits

a future firefighter may have been born during this conversation

everyone got a chance to put on Tanja’s gear

and after much cajoling…Momma put it on too

and then there was time for just one more arm wrestling match

and it was time to head out

Thank you to all the Firefighters at the station for their hospitality!!  We all had a great time.

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