hoops for my Valentines

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First, let me say thank you!  A great big thank you to all of you wonderful mommas who jumped in with the Real food on a real budget blog post.  You really blew me away with your comments and ideas and I am so blessed to have so many women who care about other women.  We all have so much to share and I am so lucky you have chosen to share here.  Already, I picked up so many ideas and we have not even begun yet but I will save that for Friday’s post.  I think I will also post many of your ideas if that is OK with you and please keep them coming.

And now onto today’s post.

Growing up my momma always got me a flower or balloons on Saint Valentines day.   She is cute like that and naturally I thought all mommas regarded their babes as their sweet hearts on that special day.  Somewhere along the line I found out that I was a lucky girl and so I too give my sweeties something special on Saint Valentines Day.  As a much younger momma, also much poorer, I would line up at the local party shop in Miami for their annual .50 cent balloon sale, heart shaped of course.  My older children still remember getting those balloons.  Balloons that would spend their days tied to a bed post until they could not hold themselves up any longer and would be relegated to the playroom as volleyballs.

I have given them chocolates, love notes, pillow cases but this year with all this time spent by the warm fire, I decided to do some embroidery.    With really only two weeks left until Valentines, I have been pulling the needle and thread.  My girls, including Alex who already saw hers, will be getting these little hand embroidered hoops to hang (if they choose to) in their rooms.  I hope it will be a reminder of my love.

I’m really not sure what to give my boys but I am sure whatever it is, they will love it as they always do, or at least they pretend really well 🙂  I’m thinking of something edible since that saying is probably true.  You  know, the one about the fastest way to a boys heart and all.  Yeah, that.  Any ideas out there?

I have also decided to offer these little Valentines to anyone who wants to order one (or two :).  I am starting to gather the funds necessary to build a new farm so once again like at Christmas, I am offering my handmades.  You can find the details at the Facebook page if interested.

I am working on finishing a new cowl I started designing a few weeks back.  Hope to see you here tomorrow for some knitty goodness.  Right now, I am off to visit the beautiful Nicole and see what wonderful handmades are being posted there today.

12 Responses to hoops for my Valentines

  1. Heather January 31, 2014 at 10:03 pm #

    Adorable! I made a little hoop embroidery for my hubby last year. He has it in a place of honor in his office. 🙂

    • farmishmomma January 31, 2014 at 10:05 pm #

      Heather, What did it say? I am working on one for Poppa 🙂 His will say something cheeky that only we understand haha

  2. nicole ch January 30, 2014 at 9:55 pm #

    my kids love handmade even the boys..u can make a hoop or pillow with ur embroidery and they would love them ..i just made a pillow out of a dollar shirt my,girl and two boys are looking for their outgrown shirts so i can make them one..keep up the get job form one mom to another..and dont feel bad times are hard for all of us..

  3. Jen January 30, 2014 at 6:13 am #

    For my boys (Dh and Ds) I'm making rice-stuffed hearts for microwaving. Tucked into bed, they're great for cold nights. Just a non-edible thought…

    Your hoops are so lovely!

    • farmishmomma January 30, 2014 at 6:15 am #

      Jen, have you thought of putting some herbs in them? I add flax seed (an older lady told me years ago it would keep mice away haha) and lavendar, rosemary and chamomile. It is a delight!!! I think this may be just the thing for my boys.

  4. katie metzroth January 30, 2014 at 12:44 am #

    lovely work. It's fun to think of doing sweet things for ppl in addition to one's spouse/significant other on Valentine's Day. I much prefer for it to be an inclusive holiday that includes all family and friends. loving your attitude about it. : )

  5. tabitha January 29, 2014 at 11:21 pm #

    lovely little hoops! i have never learned to embroider but always wanted to.

    • farmishmomma January 30, 2014 at 1:25 am #

      Embroidery is so easy. If you can follow a line with needle and thread, you are there!

  6. Sharron January 29, 2014 at 3:21 pm #

    Thank you for this reminder that Valentine's Day is just around the corner! I had forgotten about it. I'd better get to thinking! I love the hoop for Livie especially.

  7. justfordaisy January 29, 2014 at 11:16 am #

    What a beautiful gift. You've inspired me to make a hoop for my girls to hang above their beds. May not be for V Day but I'm inspired none the less 🙂

  8. FrontierDreams January 29, 2014 at 3:48 am #

    You know I love it when you link up <3 I love this idea – such sweet love filled goodness. I think everyone needs to buy two or three!

  9. Brienne January 28, 2014 at 7:00 pm #

    Beautiful embroidery. I loved ready about how your Valentine sharing has evolved over the years. My mom used to get us Valentines too. It's not something that I have done before but I like the idea of a handmade for that purpose. Who doesn't love hearts?

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