Friends are the family we choose for ourselves



Goodness,  it has been a week again since I have blogged…I have a good excuse.  Poppa is here 24/7 now since he is looking for a new job and he is keeping me so busy. Did I ever tell you that he is a super clean freak?  Yeah, I am not!  We have been cleaning this house night and day…or at least it seems like it to me and I have had almost no time to do anything else but I have snuck in some evenings to get some knitting done (I will post what I have been working on tomorrow) and of course I have had a few stash bashing projects going (join me Thursday for the Stash Bash).  We also had to buy a new computer which is kind of like buying a car…no fun!  We did buy a new one but I think I am taking it back because it is slow even though it is supposed to a great computer.  NOT!
Anyhoo, onto what I wanted to share with you.
My husband has an ability to forge friendships that last.  I can’t think of a single person whom I went to school with (with the exception of my cousins) that I am still friends with.  When I married my husband, he came with a handful of friends who have until this day remained a very intimate part of our family.  They are sometimes closer to us than our real family is (barring our parents who are irreplaceable)…they are the family we chose for ourselves.

One of those friends is Uncle Ron.  He has been friends with Poppa since their first day of military.  They actually met at the airport on the way to boot camp!  Uncle Ron is Veronica’s Godfather, he is the reason we named her that and the reason her nickname is Ronnie.  Our kids love Ron and his wife and since they had kids our children now have extra cousins.  Get togethers are always fun so we were so excited when they invited us to spend New Years day with them.  We packed up the van and traveled a quick 3 hours to be there.  Coincidentally, Uncle Ron’s is one of the few places we will let the kids sleep over (we decided when we started having babies that sleep overs were not going to happen, we are protective of our children and unapologetic about it) and when we announced that the boys could stay the night, they were jubilant.

Good friends, friends with whom you can just laugh and not worry about what they may or may not be thinking of you, are what makes life sweet.  We were only able to spend one day (which is hard to do because we are all so busy and we know it may be a while until we see each other again) but are already looking forward to get together again sooner than later.  It was a wonderful way to start a new year.

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