Addictions and tolerance

I am finding that as the days go by, I am less and less able to keep up with everything I want to do.  This idea of not getting everything I dream of done is intolerable and only subdued by the thought of a new life coming into our family and the reminder that nurturing this little baby bean in my belly is the main thing I need to do right now.

The nagging thought of those weeds that have been growing outside during the week of non-stop rain that kept me out of the garden, made worse by the muscle I pulled in my lower belly that won’t allow me to bend over those beds too much is more than I can handle so I must keep my mind on other things.  Phew, that was a long sentence, no?  I keep telling myself that the garden will be there when I can get out there but the reality is that there is a stray and uninvited family of bunnies that has decimated my huge patch of sweet potatoes and jerusalem artichokes as well as the weeds which have sprouted up everywhere, will not wait.  They are opportunists and that thought pushes me out to do what I can…as soon as the rain lets up.

This morning I went to do what I love, see and buy more plants.  I am unabashedly addicted to plants, mostly edible ones.  There are so many hundreds of plants I have on my wish list that I hope to live to be very old in order to have or see each one. I heard about the USF Botanical Gardens herb and plant sale and planned on being there.  Poppa stayed home and Alex took the little ones to play practice so that I could go and freely wander the aisles between vendors and gardeners.

I found a few plants that I did not know I wanted and a few that have been on my to acquire list for years.  Among those now crossed  off the list are a bay leaf tree, a miners lettuce, lemon verbena, some Italian dandelions, a rare type of raspberry and a curry plant.

I also came home with a few kinds of mints that I do not have, a stevia plant because the kids have been protesting since March that I did not plant any this year and some pretty polinator attractors.  Upon seeing me packing up my treasures to head for home, a nice gardening guy in a golf cart decided he should probably rescue the waddling woman in the exit and I was offered a ride to my car, which by then was like winning a large prize.

For now I am keeping all my new additions in the front porch where they can get watered everyday until I am able to get out and plant them in their new homes.  I would say that I need to learn some patience but my mother always warned me against asking for patience because with it comes a reason to use it.  So, for now I will ask for tolerance.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.  I’ll be back tomorrow with a belly update.

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