Cooling off

I have a love hate thing with summertime.  It is hot and that makes working outside unpleasant but there is also the easiness of having less structure.  Somedays by the time we get our morning chores done outside and come back in, its time for another shower.   Sometimes you gotta just cool off and our favorite place to get a cold treat is Rita’s.  We actually had not been there since last year so I don’t feel bad about what is probably in our treat and honestly, it’s so yummy that I try not to even think about it.  It’s funny to say that there is a place that is our favorite when we only go there once or twice a year but we try to not eat out very much and tend to make our own treats.

Olivia wore the frock I made her for her Candyland birthday party and I was super happy that it still fits her. I love it when that happens.  She was so excited pearing into the case of flavors and of course got to try a little of each of her siblings ice cream.  Matthew of course did not get any ice cream since he has not yet had any food other than momma’s milk but her was happy to go along and watch everyone making faces and eating theirs.

Alexandra was free and was able to come along with us which I of course love.  Note to self * Alexandra cannot say no to a Rita’s outing*  Spending time with my oldest, married daughter is always time I cherish.

I am supposed to be building a second chicken tractor today but instead I am dreaming of all the knitting projects I could be doing and the sewing machine is calling my name.  I really should get out there…

See ya tomorrow!

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