Go fly a kite

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This morning the movers arrived to put all of our belongings on a truck to Kentucky.  We stayed up until the wee hours to get the last things done and truth be told, it would not have happened were it not for Lewis and Alexandra who jumped in and said “we are not leaving till its all done”.  They are the wind under our sails right now.  Spending the past 6 days with them has been wonderful.

This week we were surrounded by love and friends as people dropped by to bring us a meal and spend a few minutes with us among our moving mess.  Late nights and days ran into each other as we ran about getting everything done.  There were many a day when we had no clue what day of the week it was.  We had a moving sale this weekend and sold so much stuff.  I finally achieved my goal of getting my yarn and fabric stash pared down 🙂 and found new homes for every one of our 34 hens and roosters.  I got to hold baby Lewie lots and lots and we even took a little nap under a tree.

Nate and Charlei spent the weekend and kept our bellies full with lots of amazing homemade meals and help wherever we needed it.  Knowing that we would not be able to spend time together for a while, we cherished every moment with them.   There was even time to fly a kite which we found in the garage.  It was perfectly windy enough and it was a perfect end to a stressful but fun weekend.

We should be in our new home by Wednesday.  I beg your prayers for a safe arrival and trip.  We have had everything possible happen to us this week and really need some peace from here on out.

We tucked everyone in their beds, for the last time in this house and then I sat in the rocker in Matthews little nursery and I remembered all the nights that we sat here rocking, together.  Many sleepless, wonderful, sweet nights.  Sigh.  I rocked him for an hour with a lump in my throat, just the two of us, my babe and I.

It is so very hard to leave home.


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9 Responses to Go fly a kite

  1. Natalie Diaz November 8, 2013 at 6:48 am #

    It is quite difficult to convince the children while you are making a move as they are emotionally bonded to that particular place. I really like the way you managed.

  2. Michaeleen October 16, 2013 at 2:36 am #

    Oh I will pray for you in a special way. My heart just breaks for you, as I know first hand the pain you feel. We left the home we built, our little farm, and our place of business in August when we lost in foreclosure to the bank. It is the hardest loss since my parents died when I was a young gilr…crazy to say, I know it is only a house – simply sticks and walls – but it was our home, the place our sons were born and our homestead. It hurts. I pray that we will get it back one day, and in the mean time I pray for acceptance. You will make your Kentucky home beautiful as well with your loving touches throughout. As I keep telling my children: it is not WHERE we live, but HOW we live that matters. God bless and keep you all and give you strength for this journey.

    • farmishmomma October 20, 2013 at 9:58 pm #

      thank you for your beautiful words, they are like a bandaid for my heart!!

  3. Theresa Galante October 15, 2013 at 6:34 pm #

    Tricia, my heart goes out to you. Looking at the beautiful seeds you gave me, I couldn't help seeing the comparison of your life to the seeds you love so much. Your life in Brooksville was a season of beautiful blooming, but now God is asking you to proceed to the next stage – the stage of the seed. You love your seeds so much because you know their potential, but do you realize what they are the fruit of as you hold them in your hand? A beautiful flower had to die and let go of each of it's petals to produce this seed. It had to give up its life. There's no getting around it. A flower cannot go straight into producing new blooms. Since our lives mirror the lives of the plants we love so much, we also have to die and let go of everything we knew and loved many times in our life so that precious seeds can be made. Your life right now is in the seed stage. It's not comfortable or familiar, but it is wonderful! I pray that you will be able to surrender totally and joyfully to the miracle of growth that is happening in your heart and in your family. I pray that as you keep your vision on the future flowering of the seed you are creating right now, you will proceed without fear or regret. Embrace the miracle you are caught up in! I love you! Theresa

  4. Kristine October 15, 2013 at 3:45 pm #

    God Bless you and your family!

  5. Kate October 15, 2013 at 1:27 pm #

    My prayers are with you. I know moving is SO very hard. Remember to trust in Him.

  6. kelly October 15, 2013 at 1:41 am #

    Tears are welling up in my eyes…May Our Lady carry you and yours the next couple of weeks!!!

  7. Sharron October 14, 2013 at 8:38 pm #

    I will be praying for you this week. I moved many times in my childhood. One in particular was very hard for me, but many years later I saw how God used that move. Most of my friends (at church!) in that town chose the wrong path. I honestly don't know if I would have been strong enough to not have followed them. All that to say, God will use this move for good. You may not see it for a while and it will be hard, but He will.
    I'm so glad I found you again, I had lost the info. when Google reader shutdown.

    • farmishmomma October 14, 2013 at 9:00 pm #

      Thank you and so happy you are back 🙂

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