Stash Bash

I’ve never met a crafter without a stash of some kind. This year my goal is to use up all the craft supplies I have spent money on that are taking up mental and physical space in my life.  Join me here every Thursday for a Stash Bash. 

I needed to reorganize my laundry room which had become a catch all place full of canning rings, lost socks and collapsed towers of canning jars.  I quickly reorganized it but ended feeling like I needed a better way to store all of my canning rings and seals (I need to come up with a craft to use these, they multiply faster than the bunnies in the garden).  

I’ve had these bags (I call them embroidery hoop bags, clever I know) on my to do list for probably over two years.  They can be made to pretty much any size depending on the embroidery ring and I still have to put on a an embroidered label on them but have not had any quiet hand sewing time this week.  I love them!

Please excuse the lighting in these pictures.  There is absolutely no natural lighting in my laundry room since it sits in between the kitchen and the dining room and is as dark as a cave.

I used fabrics that I have long loved for the outside and on the inside I used some fabric salvaged from a vintage bedsheet.  The loop to hang it is not even sewn on just sandwiched tightly between the fabric bag and the ring and it holds without a problem.  I’m not sure how I will be able to hang it on the clothesline yet but I will figure that out soon.

While I am at it, I thought I would give you a quick little tour of my tiny laundry room.  I want to do something with this room but it always gets left for last.  This si the room where I obviously store my preserves, extra mason jars, canning equipment, cleaning rags, my birdseye hand towels (which are actually just diaper flats and so soft to use, which I have thought of embellishing but never get around to).  The ice cream machine, wheat grinder, popcorn machine etc.

So what have you been up to? I love to see what you come up with. I have added the Mr Linky to the bottom of this post for you to link up your Stash Bash projects.

Here’s what to do. There are no rules. 
Just use what you have and try to not buy new supplies, unless you need it to complete a project that you are making from stuff you already have in your stash. 
Take a picture of your project or progress and blog about it or post a picture to flickr.
Then come back here on Thursdays and post a link to your post.
Don’t forget to link back to the Stash Bash so others can find us and get encouraged too.
Fair enough?     

P.S.  Its so nice to hear from other stash bashers so if you visit some of the links don’t forget to leave them a quick little comment.   

If you enjoyed this post, please consider leaving a comment or follow me by email at the top right hand of the screen to have future posts sent to you. Tricia (Crunchy Catholic Momma)


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5 Responses to Stash Bash

  1. MystiRiver January 2, 2014 at 1:32 am #

    How did you make the embroidery hoop bag?

  2. Annette August 5, 2012 at 2:37 pm #

    I found you via Jen's 7 Quick Takes. I love the idea of a Thursday Stash Bash! I have tons of projects and I'm going to set a reminder on my calendar to participate. Mine are all needlework but perhaps you will inspire me to pick up my rudimentary crochet projects too! See you next Thursday! Annette

  3. Molly August 3, 2012 at 2:32 am #

    gah! just reminds me that my laundry room is the last place I've yet to "green". Great look space!

  4. Natalie August 2, 2012 at 2:01 pm #

    my stash bash is not fabric related, but it's fun. Hope you don't mind.

  5. little macaroon. August 2, 2012 at 12:49 pm #

    These are GREAT! I think I might even manage one of these for my clothes pegs (and I'm pretty much seeing dunce). Bt I'm thinking these aren't the surprise you've been keeping under wraps for a year, mentioned yesterday?! You're keeping us in suspenders!

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