Archive | December, 2013

merry quilting

Yesterday as I did a few errands,  Poppa noticed the dishwasher (aka dish drainer) was smelling kind of sour.  He asked the kids to run it and then went back into his office to continue working.  He came out to this.

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We only use our dishwasher as a dish drainer where dishes are placed while they dry and then after the next meal, whoever it is that has dishes duty puts them away.  Well,  my children did not know that you cannot use regular dishwashing liquid in the dishwasher.  Of course, in the child’s mind, if a little works good then a lot will work that much better yes?  This hilarious episode took place as they quietly tried to clean the mess which just kept coming because of course they all thought they were in big, big trouble.

As I walked in the first one that saw me fell apart in a blubbery, remorseful mess at my feet thinking they had broken the dishwasher and today I may cry at the pile of dirty towels but we all sat at the dinner table and had a good laugh, a long good laugh.

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The Christmas quilts are coming along nicely.  I can’t say that if I was to go out and buy fabric today (these fabric strips were cut by me about 8 years ago) that I would pick these fabrics exactly, but the girls are so excited to each have their very own Christmas quilts for the big day and isn’t that all that matters.

Today, I am linking up to my friend and moving buddy Nicole.  Lots and lots to do today.  Must finish 3 more Sweater Babies and run them to the post office.   See you tomorrow.

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these days…

For an explanation on each picture, scroll down to the bottom of this post.

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This week:

: :  had radishes more times than not, in our very favorite way.  Sauteed in butter and garlic and salt until still a bit crispy.  Poppa loves it this way and we all do too but it’s the call on the way home with a request for radishes that keeps me making them.  In the spring when we can finally plant our own again, it will be wonderful along with the greens from the tops

: :  got a new helper to peel all the garlic for the week.  Chris has designated himself as the garlic man and anytime he sees me pull out the jar from the refrigerator, he cheers for Garlic Man

: :  found this new sweet little sugar bowl at a thrift store.  It is glass and I think it was formerly a soap dish

: :  had lots and lots more pizza, OTB sauce with arugula and parm as well as a sauce I added the last of the olive tapenade to (in order to not waste it) and oh my goodness, I shall be doing that again on purpose

: :  did a bit more exploring in our new city

: :  watched a little girl marvel about winter mornings, every morning

: :  picked our secret santas, including Alexandra and Lewis long distance

: :  watched Livie go from excitement over her pick to realizing that she got her baby brother when she already knew what she wanted to get for her sister

: :  worked on a few new Sweater Babies for some of you

: :  celebrated Gaudete Sunday by frying up some doughnuts and putting together our very first ever Gingerbread house (from a store bought kit) and decided that next year we will go it on our own

: :  made almost daily trips to the post office to send out goodies to some of you.  Thank you all for your orders.  Supporting handmade really made our Christmas this year and I feel so very blessed.

How was your week?


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