Archive | December, 2013

from our woods

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This week will be a bit hurried for me.  Christmas parties to attend (two so far), presents to finish, lots more sewing to do, food to prepare and of course we must deck these halls.  I will be on everyday with just a quick share of what we are up to if you want to visit us.

Today is sort of a proud momma moment so if you will allow me to brag a bit on one of my loves.  Eddie has been working in his workshop since yesterday with a surprise for Matthew.  Something he said I would love and so would my little one.  He was so right and I hope you love it too because…. he will me making more to share with anyone who wants any for their little ones.

I have wanted branch blocks for such a long time and to have these made from our own woods, for my little one by his own big brother…oh too much for my heart.  It does a momma good to see this kind of thing.

These blocks will be offered in my little shop (coming very soon hopefully) for sale and I couldn’t be prouder of him.  Each set has 20 blocks, they are hand rubbed in a special woodworking food safe blend of oils and come in a muslin bag.  He will be selling them for $20 which includes shipping but for now, these are going under our tree and I am so full of pride in this boy of mine.

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cozies and slippers

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With our new dilemnna of cold floors in the morning (afternoon and evening) and no shoes, slippers are in high demand around here.  Those who have a momma made pair of slippers are very much the envy of those who don’t and those who do have them could really use a new pair.  This makes for a very convenient 12 nights of Christmas gift.  For those of you who have not been here for other Christmases, we celebrate the 12 nights of Christmas the old fashioned way, for the 12 nights after Christmas.  They conveniently lead up to Epiphany.  Since Advent is not a time of celebration but instead preparation, the 12 nights are supposed to be after but hey, who’s looking?  If you celebrate it before, at least you celebrate it yes?

Our children don’t get nice gifts like this every one of those nights, oh goodness no!  But, some of those nights they will get some new slippers and the following night they will get a new cozy for their drinking cup.  I am hoping to get some names embroidered on them as I have done in years past.  Hopefully all in due time.

Yarning along as usual and running to the post office with the last run for the season.

Note**  A friend of mine posted this on FB this morning.  Cuppow is giving a rebate on purchases today.  I really love the guys who run this company.  If you need a last minute gift, do this one!!


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