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Our own homegrown hair dresser

December 7, 2009
Some quick before and afters of Erica and Veronica’s new shorter hairdo’s. Alexandra has gotten really good at giving us our homegrown haircuts and I don’t have to deal with the hair salon chemical smell,  p.u.
 I also had my very long hair cut shoulder length, layered and its probably better than when I go to the professionals.  I think all the haircuts came out great, they even got my Mother-in-laws seal of approval.  Encourage your children to learn these life skills, they may surprise you.

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Save $2,196.00 a year by doing your own haircare

Well, you could if you had 4 girls, 4 boys and your own hair. If you only count the kids haircuts we save about $800 per year by doing it ourselves. We have been cutting hair in our household since the early days when my hubby was downsized and lost his job while we were expecting Nicholas, now 12. My poor husband was the guinea pig back then and though the haircuts were not that great he was a brave subject.

Most of the boys hair are cut by me with clippers and scissors but John-Paul’s hair stylist is now officially Alexandra (so is there anything that Alexandra can’t do?)

As for the girls, we trim the girls bangs and ends every few months, Alexandra and I swap haircuts and I love my hair straight so instead of going to the hair salon every Saturday as I had done since college, we invested in a $200 hair iron which has paid us many times over and I don’t have to deal with the chitter chatter or smells of hair dye.
If you think that you would like to try your hand at home haircuts here is a good tutorial on a cute blog at Almost Frugal. Let me know how you do if you decide to give it a go. Remember it is just hair and in most cases it will grow back : )
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