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thank you and stop it

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Four weeks.  Can you believe it has been that long since we moved here to our new home.  To me it seems so long and yet how quickly the time has gone by.  In baby time, it is a long time, four weeks.  Yes, indeed, for my little Matthew the past four weeks have been full of milestones and accomplishments.  He has now been walking for two weeks.  Walking and falling of course but walking better and better everyday.  This week he has added two words to his vocab.  His first real two words other than Mama and Nanana which is what he says when he is hungry or sees anyone with a food or drink that he intends to repossess.

His sisters taught him to say thank you which he says whenever he is given anything and he also says it when giving us something, which we all think is adorable and hilarious.  They also taught him something else.  Stop it!  Except when he says it, it sounds like “shtop it”.  He says it and looks around for the smiles and laughs his little words will bring.   These little things are the reason I blog.  These are those details I want to remember and the things I hang my heart on.  Truly I am blessed to have had so many of these wonderful memories with all my babies and Matthew being number nine has taught me to really stop and take in every moment.  This little boy has my heart and I thank God for all the moments we all have to share with him.

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our little red shoes



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Once a week, Poppa and I have been taking one child with us for a lunch date.  It is our way of making special memories with them one on one and they love it.  Of course, Matthew comes along since I am his permanent breakfast, lunch and dinner date.  As we were dressing him to come along, it hit me that he might be old enough to wear our little red shoes.  Until this morning, they sat in his cabinet, patiently waiting for my little Mateo to be big enough to wear them, big enough to almost walk.  I put them on him and they were a teenie bit big but with the laces tied, and they stayed on perfectly.

Where has the time gone?  Oh, I should explain about the little red shoes, sneakers really.  These little red Gap sneakers were purchased for Ronnie and she took her first steps in them.  She wore them all the time and I loved them, even though Poppa thought they might look like boys shoes back then.  Next John-Paul, then Christopher and Olivia and they all wore them while learning to walk and getting more sure on their feet.  Oh, they’ve been around the block for sure and the bottoms are starting to curl from the sole being worn, the sides are coming apart a bit, they have been through their fair share of replacement laces but still very usable and part of our baby story.

We all had a hankering for some not homemade, cooked by someone else, Cuban food and our town actually just got a real, true blue Cuban restaurant so off we went on our date.  Poppa, Nicholas, Mathew and I.  After we were done eating and boy did we ever, Poppa tried to get Matthew to take a step but he was really just happy to stand for now and that is just fine with this momma’s heart.  Soon enough he will take those uneasy first steps and his little red shoes will be with him.

Today I am packing for our trip to Kentucky.  Tomorrow, Alexandra will hopefully come home and give me a much needed hair trim (my hair is down to my waist) and then Monday morning, Poppa, Matthew and I will head to Kentucky.


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