
I will be in surgery early this morning to fix the issue with my ear drums and not hearing since the 22nd of December.  Won’t you please keep me in your prayers?

The new year is here!!  Time to make new intentions…I don’t make resolutions because I always break them too early and then all is downhill from there.  Intentions you can break and start over with.

My intentions for this year are:

To not waste ANY food.  We don’t really waste much food because anything we won’t eat, the animals will but I want more of our food to go into our bellies this year which will call for some creative upcycling of food, better planning and sticking to a plan.

To save as much money as possible!!  I see tough times a comin and I feel the need to tighten the belts and get very frugal this year.  I will try to share what works and what does not (feel free to do the same : )

To grow as much food as we can and to raise as much of our own meat and fish as possible.  I am not pregnant this year so I have no excuse.

To inspire a love of beauty in my children.  The beauty of life, nature and our faith.

To read more with my children and do more with them.

To use my resources as carefully as possible.

Did you make any intentions this year?  Please do share!

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4 Responses to Intentions

  1. Celebrate the Rhythm January 9, 2013 at 2:01 pm #

    PS And speedy healing after.

  2. Celebrate the Rhythm January 9, 2013 at 2:01 pm #

    Oh I love your intentions, they are very much aligned with my own, except the fish, hadn't thought about raising our own fish. You are in my prayers, all of you for safe and successful surgery and smooth sailing along the way for all. Warm regards, Lisa

  3. Maggie January 9, 2013 at 3:09 am #

    Mine were not started on New Years…but are one at a time until I am comfortable with one, I had another so as to not feel overwhelmed…Learn more about Our faith and share it with my children…get better control of our finances…these two have started…others I want are, to make a menu and stick with it…to eat more real food…to get the house under control…

  4. Anonymous January 5, 2013 at 4:25 am #

    I do hope you feel better and praying for your hearing and good health to return. -prudence

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