Step one for the Handmade Christmas challenge

Step one to get ready for Saturday:  We have to do some planning.

Start a list of whom you need presents for, you could make a list of gifts you will be making and gifts you will be buying (handmade of course).  Or you could do a list for family members and a list for everyone else.

Here are some cute printable lists: List 1 and List 2.  Of course you could just use a notepad to keep your list together.  This will help you with ideas.  I come up with great ideas all the time but if I don’t write them down they are gone!!

Stay tuned for step two tomorrow.

One Response to Step one for the Handmade Christmas challenge

  1. Anonymous November 13, 2009 at 5:01 am #

    Trisha,Just sent you a LONG list of ideas! I guess, I didn't "officially" post that I am accepting your challenge fondly and passing the challenge along to my family as well. I'd like to add one other note to your step one. Remember to keep a record somewhere – on your computer or in a file – of what your loved ones interests are and what you made them this year so you don't repeat yourself next year.Oh this is going to be so much fun! Thanks for posting!TrishaDelaware

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