Our weekly rhythm

Inspired by the lovely Nicole over at Frontier Dreams (I really do love that girl) who has posted her morning rhythm for all to see, I have decided to post my weekly rhytym in the hopes that it might help some mom out there to think about making one for herself.  For those of you not familiar with rhythm, here is Nicole’s description and she puts it much better than I can.

To try and define rhythm simply : Each day of the week has a theme, and each day follows the same predictable pattern. Is rhythm just a fancy word for schedule. NO. While they have similarities, rhythm is more about a gentle flow, a knowing of what comes next, whereas a schedule is more rigid and by the clock. Little ones thrive and feel safe when they know what’s next.  (thanks Nicole)

Monday: Baking day

Tuesday: Sewing/projects day
Wednesday: Laundry and cleaning day.  
Thursday: Library day
Friday- Gardening day
Saturday- Market and planning day

Sunday- Lords day

Baking day- bake bread and muffins for the week and anything else that we can make ahead of time.  I also make the bread bucket dough which will last us the week (hopefully)

Sewing/projects day- this is my favorite day of the week unless too many repair jobs are on my sewing table. It is my time to make something for one of my children, prepare for upcoming holidays or plan and make presents for loved ones.

Laundry and cleaning day: All bed linens are cleaned, bulk of laundry is done, diapers are washed and hung to dry and collected once the sun has gone to sleep tired from bleaching out all the stains hanging on the line.
Library day- undoubtely my childrens favorite.  I pack a take along breakfast to eat after morning mass and then we are off to get lost in a new book(s)
Gardening day-  a little daily weeding goes along way but there must be one day when gardens are given attention, chicken coops cleaned and our farm projects get done.

Market day/planning day- Poppa and I will decide what meals we want to have during the week, go to the farmers market and fill in at the grocery store. Once a month on Saturdays we drive an hour to the organic supermarket to buy our bulk grains and things we cannot source closer to home.

The Lords day- other than meals and necessary cleaning, nothing else is really done today.  We don’t shop, or eat out, we go to mass and then come home, eat together and put on our jammies and relax, watch movies or take naps.  It is very lovely.  
I wrote my rhythm into a little poem which I am going to frame in our home.

The rhythm of our week
written by Tricia Gaitan
Monday kneads the water and flour, bowls of dough hour by hour

Tuesday pulls the needle and thread, to sew the blankets for the bed
Wednesday linens washed and sunned, till all the clothes are clean and done
Thursday stop to search and look until you find the perfect book
Friday works the soil by hand, to weed and plant the good Lords land.
Saturday time to plan ahead and gather the grains to bake the bread
Sunday comes to give us rest, Thank the Lord for our little nest.

(if you like this poem enough to copy it, make sure you give credit where it is due as this is my intellectual property : ) But if you do like it, thank you!

So do you have a weekly or daily rhythm you want to share?  Please feel free to post it in the comments section.  You might inspire someone else.

14 Responses to Our weekly rhythm

  1. Anonymous November 23, 2012 at 10:58 pm #

    Monday- bakingTuesday- nature Wednesday- marketThursday-gardening/handworkFriday-housekeeping/paintingSaturday-family/ including family game nightSunday-The Lord's day

  2. Sunshine Mama July 4, 2012 at 3:57 am #

    I love your post and your poem. I had a weekly rhythm chart made, but it was made so long ago, AND we moved a couple months ago and the whole rhythm seemed to have gone out the window. It's kinda funny that I just found your post now on Pinterest (I already follow your blog), because I was planning on sitting down tonight and made a new rhythm chart for summer for our family. Guess some things are more than coincidences 😉

  3. Angela January 27, 2012 at 8:59 pm #

    This is absolutely wonderful. I am in the middle of trying to recognize our rhythm and to put it in written form so I can remember it when things start sailing on their own.

  4. Crunchy Momma September 28, 2011 at 2:29 pm #

    Gae, Thank you for commenting : ) You bring up an important point. Rhythms work better than a schedule or routine because it is flexible. With the different seasons of our lives we change our rhythm to whatever will work better. Thanks for mentioning that. Tricia

  5. Gae September 28, 2011 at 2:17 pm #

    I have viisted your blog before but not commetned I think. I really love this post on rhythm and find I need to create new ones all the time to adjust for our family. We have 12 children 11 of still at home. This can make it harder and what used to work wehn we had just little kids now does not , due to our mixed ages.Thanks for sharing here.BlessingsGae

  6. Nicola August 15, 2011 at 6:22 am #

    You have a very lovely blog. I linked here from the Waldorf family supplies link you shared.Warmly,Nicola

  7. Crunchy Momma August 13, 2011 at 12:16 am #

    Lena, Start small and as soon as you are in your house, get a notebook and write down anything and everything that pops into your head that you need to do, that you want to do, that you need to buy, ideas, etc. That way you don't have to keep track of everything, it is written down.Meal plans are on their way…shhhh its a secret but I will be posting soon.

  8. Crunchy Momma August 13, 2011 at 12:14 am #

    Nicole, I'm so happy you liked my poem. I always love reading your beautiful little poems too. I am always available for a chat : )

  9. JOYfilled Family August 12, 2011 at 4:19 am #

    my rhythm has been gone for some time now. i do, however, have 2 days down.Thursday – Adoration and errands Sunday – Mass, family time and fellowship.i'm longing for a rhythm.i keep putting it off until everything is just so (i.e.; major house purge). needless to say it doesn't happen and chaos continues to reign. now, i'm getting ready to move.what do you suggest i do to take the first step to finding a rhythm among my mess and preparing for a move/major downsize? i could some ideas!In His joy, lenap.s. i'm interested in some meal plans and shopping lists. 😉

  10. Kat August 11, 2011 at 5:44 pm #

    I posted about my weekly rhythm on my blog. Kraftymamk.blogspot.comI have a 5 month old so as of right now our weekly rhythm is very simple and will change with time. By the way love your blog.

  11. Nicole Spring (Front August 11, 2011 at 4:29 am #

    Oh your words are much too kind!! You are so sweet!Thank you for joining me and for sharing – I LOVE this post, and your poem ;)This is reminding me that I want to find the time to chat about religion with you. I am trying to find my way…

  12. Megan of RojerThat.c August 11, 2011 at 2:08 am #

    We're still looking for rhythm in our chaos, but we have a few down pat. Monday: couponing at Walgreens for donation items, we don't do it on Sunday like most couponers because it is the Lord's day.Tuesday: making a shopping list for our weekly Publix trip, plus chaosWednesday: chaos, but hopefully clip coupons for publix tripThursday: pickup our organic CSA, hopefully also the weekly publix tripFriday: laundry day, plus chaosSaturday: put away laundry, make a shopping list for Walgreens trip on Monday and clip coupons for the list. Plus chaos!Sunday: Divine Liturgy at a Byzantine Rite Catholic Church, then relax the rest of the day.Since Marcus bakes our bread, I'll tell him about your baking day. He might just be inspired.

  13. Lisa August 10, 2011 at 11:12 pm #

    Tricia, what a gorgeous post and a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing you're rhythm. ;ll try to join in this week.

  14. E August 10, 2011 at 6:35 pm #

    Great post. Monday-house cleaning/libraryTuesday-work AM, pick up CSAWednesday-Catholic mom book group and work eveThursday-laundryFriday-put away laundrySaturday-family day, yardworkSunday-Lord's dayI love your idea about baking and sewing days, I am going to look at my schedule and revise.

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