at the vineyard

As the sweet lazy days of summer are running out, I woke up remembering that I wanted to take the kids to go pick some grapes.  Our part of Florida is host to many varieties of grapes which are grown here.  I called the vineyard and they were closed but when I mentioned 8 kids who wanted to pick grapes, they opened it just for us so we got to go and pick all by ourselves… it was wonderful.

 Mostly variations of muscadine grapes, huge, plump, pop out of their skins juicy grapes awaited us.

we each got a bucket and we were off
this variety is called Black Beauty
a little break from picking

 she definitely ate more grapes than she put in her bucket

 and I am happy to report, I figured out where all the missing bees have gone, they have all come to this vineyard to sip some grape juice.  We were warned about the bees. We did see them everywhere but they never bothered us.

and then it was time to go home, with 18 pounds of locally grown, organic grapes.  Stay tuned for grape jelly coming soon.


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2 Responses to at the vineyard

  1. Crunchy Momma August 20, 2011 at 10:03 pm #

    $2 a pound and grown organically, local and not too expensive!! We were eating them right off the vine.

  2. Megan and Marcus of August 20, 2011 at 9:51 pm #

    What a great idea! How much did the vinyard charge per pound of grapes? Are they organic? Can't wait for the jelly tutorial!

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