The rhythm of our week. Tuesday: Sewing day

I’m feeling much better today!  I have been juicing and drinking mostly veggies and fruits and I have lots more energy today and whatever flu bug it was that was trying to get me is on its way out.

I love sewing day.  I love coming out with a final product or getting farther along on a project. Today my mending pile was falling over so I had to work on that : (  It is not as much fun but it benefits my family so there is much worth in it.

I had to repair Livie’s favorite dress and some culottes for the girls (they tear their playclothes up pretty bad).

As I was working I thought maybe I would share my sewing space with you. I used to have our loft upstairs for my sewing/creativity room but last year I gave it to the boys so my oldest daughter could have her own room. Sigh…. I have now been banished to the garage which is the only space big enough to fit all of my shelves, sewing machines, cutting tables as well as the girls sewing machines. I am hoping next year we will put in nice floors and make it feel like a real room but for now, here are the areas that are not too messy to share with you hee-hee.
my mending pile is pretty big right now.  You can also see Poppas shirt on top.  He got a little bleach stain in it and so it is waiting to be turned into a dress for Livie.
my cutting table, it is chock full of baskets of yarn and fabric underneath
more fabric.  This is an antique gun case which I put shelves into years ago and thought I would paint it white….yeah its still waiting for me to paint it.  Maybe now that I have admitted it I will get it done…
wool dryer balls and ready cut squares for a quilt.
What did my old sewing loft look like?  Check it out.

 my old sewing loft
How I miss this space but my boys need it more than I do.

4 Responses to The rhythm of our week. Tuesday: Sewing day

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  3. Crunchy Momma October 7, 2011 at 2:51 am #

    Hi Southern Housewife!! Those shelves are Elfa shelves from the container store and you can get them in many different finishes and totally customized to the height or number of baskets that you need. I have had them now for 7 years and they still look new. My husband has banned me from going to The Container Store though because that year that I got the basket system, I re-organized almost the whole house and he almost killed me : )

  4. The Southern Housewi October 7, 2011 at 2:03 am #

    Where did you get those wire shelves/baskets? I love them!! I must have them for my sewing room!!!!

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