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yellow split pea soup (a Real Food on a Real Budget recipe)


In preparation for Friday’s post, I think I will share our ho hum, nothing exciting but very yummy and cheap meals with you.

Last week, I picked up some yellow split peas from the bulk bin.  I hadn’t planned on adding it to this weeks meals but for $1.99 a pound, knowing I only need to add carrots, celery and a few things I always have, I quickly added it to the list.   Split pea soup is very easy to make and unlike many other beans, you do not have to soak them so if you forgot to take out your dinner ingredients you can still pull this one together in no time and let it cook while you all get the house back together before dinner.  It is one of the most inexpensive dinners I can think of and it fills tummies.

This recipe is very easy to turn into a vegetarian/vegan recipe by substituting the chicken broth for veggie broth and the bacon fat for olive oil but I might add some smoked paprika to give it that taste you would normally get from the bacon.

8 c chicken broth

2 – 3 c yellow split peas (or green)

3 carrots, diced

1 large onion, diced

2 celery stalks, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

4 tbsp oil or fat (we use the fat saved from organic, sulfite free bacon)

2 tbsp red wine vinegar

1 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1 bay leaf

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In the oil/fat, sautee the onions and garlic until fragrant (don’t let them burn or brown), add the carrots and celery

add the broth and all other ingredients and let it boil for a minute or two then reduce to simmer, put the lid on and go do something.  Check in on it every 10 minutes or so and give it a stir.  When it is starting to look thickened (about 30 minutes), remove the bay leaf and use an immersion blender (stick blender) to puree it or add it in batches slowly in the blender.  Don’t totally puree it, just enough to make it thicker.

Serve with bread, cracker, on top of rice or nothing if you have a bare pantry, I promise you will still feel full after a bowl.

I was out of onions this day so I went over to my kitchen garden pots and cut the tops off of about 8 green onions and it worked perfectly.

For the cost of this soup which feeds about 4-6 people:

the split peas were $1.99 a pound for the 2 cups

3 carrots would be about .50

2 celery stalks .50

1 onion (free from my kitchen garden) but about .50

the garlic and all other ingredients would probably add another whole .50 to $1 if that.

So, for $4, you have a very nutritious meal which is very easy to make.

IMG_2157 IMG_2160I will see you back here tomorrow for this weeks guest blogger on Real Food on a Real Budget!  See you then.

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Real Food on a Real Budget blog series : : Episode 4, At Home With the Gadbois Family

Real Food on a Real Budget | Grains + Beans

Hey there, I’m Nissa from At Home With the Gadbois Family. I am the mother of nine children, the wife of a deacon. We know a little something about the importance of good food to maintain good health, and a whole lot about how to get that food on the table with a small budget. I was so honoured to be asked by Tricia to share with all of you some of my favourite tips for serving delicious, nutritious food without breaking the budget. In fact, used liberally, you might be able to save some pennies aside for something extra special.

We are blessed to own a beautiful farm, nestled in the hills of central Massachusetts. Growing your own vegetables wherever possible, putting up extras for winter months, keeping chickens or a couple of milk goats if that is possible where you are is the ultimate in frugality – particularly if you have a LOT of grass for those creatures to eat. But that isn’t possible for everyone, so finding a local farmer that you can work with is excellent. If you visit a farmer’s market, go toward the end of the day. The farmers may be willing sell for less, or will put a little extra into your basket.

Plan a marathon cooking session around what is going to be abundant each week. Put extra meals into the freezer for days that are unexpectedly busy, or when Mama is feeling unwell. I learned that I saved – consistently – 30% by planning this way. I tend not to buy on impulse, but to stick with my list; and I had no waste (which saves on rubbish).

As the mother of five boys, who require a lot of protein and calories, my favourite tip for serving up Real Food on a Real Budget is to use clever food combining to get a complete protein without meat. Grass fed organic meats can be very costly to buy in large quantities, and there are times when they are a luxury item to be served in smaller-than-usual portions, or just less often.

However, organic legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains are abundant, diverse, and extremely affordable, especially in bulk. And – BONUS – they look so pretty in jars on your pantry shelf! I recommend trying to locate an organic food co-operative local to you, or use an online co-op where you can get a variety of other natural living products at excellent prices. You can purchase grains and legumes in very large quantities (if you have the storage) and keep them in their whole state for a very long time. {Make sure you store them in glass or metal canisters with tight lids in case a little furry critter should catch a whiff and want to visit your house.}

Just keep these three simple formulae in mind for inexpensive, nutritious, protein-packed meals::

With those in your toolbox, and a pantry stocked to the gills with whole grains, legumes and seeds, all you have to do is add whatever fresh organic produce and herbs you can pick from your garden or buy on special each week for an infinite number of really delicious nutrient-dense meals. Change your companion ingredients and seasonings and you have a sweet breakfast or super healthy dessert!

These recipes make large amounts, since I’m feeding eleven people. You can either reduce the ingredients to suit your family, or make them up and have a couple of meals’ worth – one to put by for tomorrow or the next day.


Real Food on a Real Budget | Baked Oatmeal

Baked Oatmeal {50¢/serving or less, makes 12 servings}

Seriously our fave cold-weather breakfast. My husband can’t handle the crash after regular oatmeal. With this, no crash because it is a complete protein. I have loads of variations of this recipe available. Just get in touch with me through my blog ( and I’d be happy to send them all to you!

Preheat Oven to 350° F


  • 5c. organic oats
  • 1 c. sugar (white or brown depending upon your taste)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 – 1 1/2 T. spice (see variations below)
  • 3 c. milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 T. vanilla or vanilla paste

Combine dry ingredients and spices in one bowl, set aside. Combine wet ingredients with fruit purée. Stir wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, add chopped or dried fruits. Let sit for about 5 minutes. Pour into a 1/4 sheet pan and bake, cover with foil, for 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for a further 15 minutes. Serve with milk or cream.


Real Food on a Real Budget | Any Bean Hummus

Any Bean Hummus {25¢ – $1.50/ serving, makes 20-24 ( ¼ c.) servings}

A variation on the traditional version made with chickpeas. You can use any beans you have on hand – experiment! I’m using mung beans, which I bought for a treat. NOT economical at $5-$13/lb. But you can use navy, black, kidney, cattle… whatever you can find for a great price. You can also try substituting other nut and seed butters. But not peanut butter since peanuts are actually legumes and won’t get you your complete protein.

  • 2lb. beans or peas, cooked
  • ¾ c. lemon juice
  • 1 c. tahini (sesame seed paste)
  • 1 – 1 ½ T. garlic, crushed (4-8 cloves)
  • 2 tsp. cumin
  • 1 tsp. coriander
  • 2 tsp. salt
  • olive oil (your preference, but I love the green EVOO)
  • water as needed to achieve consistency

Blend beans (or peas) through salt in a food processor, food mill, or blender; or with an immersion blender until smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings. Add a little water if the hummus seems too stiff. Blend in some olive oil, or make a divet in the top of the hummus and pour in some olive oil before serving.

Real Food on a Real Budget | Hummus Tabouli Pita

SERVING SUGGESTION: Spread hummus on pita breads, top with tabouli salad and spread. Place on baking sheets and bake for about 10 minutes in a 400° F oven for a delicious lunch treat!


Real Food on a Real Budget | Chick Pea and Rice Casserole

Brown Rice and Chickpea Casserole {.50¢/serving, makes 12 servings}

This is one of my family’s favourite recipes, and consequently, my go-to when the fridge is getting empty. I always have these ingredients in the house. Often, as long as it isn’t a Friday, we’ll add in some chicken sausage or leftover roasted meat from another meal to make this dish extra special. Delicious served with a garden salad!

  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2-4 cloves of garlic, sliced or minced (your preference)
  • olive oil
  • 1-2 T. fresh herbs or 2-3 tsp. dried (we like thyme, oregano, marjoram)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tsp. mild curry (or to taste)
  • 3 c. brown rice (uncooked and rinsed)
  • 1 qt. stewed tomatoes, diced, (you put them up last summer, right?)
  • 6 c. chicken stock
  • 2 lb. chickpeas (cooked)

Sauté onion and garlic until tender and onion is translucent. Add herbs and seasonings, rice, tomatoes (don’t drain them), and stock. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat to low and cover tightly. Cook for about 30 minutes, then add the chickpeas. Cook for another 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand for a few minutes before serving with a dollop of Greek yoghurt or shreds of your favourite cheese. NOTE: if you choose to use white rice, put the chickpeas in with the rice and cook for 15 – 20 minutes over low heat.

**Tricia here,  Thank you Nissa so much for taking the time to share with us.  Your photos made me very hungry as I was uploading this post 🙂

If you enjoyed this post, please leave Nissa a comment and share this post so other families may benefit.  I hope to see you here every Friday.  We have such a great lineup of amazing momma bloggers ready to pitch in every Friday.  If you missed the list of bloggers you can see it here as well as the other weeks you might have missed at this link.

Also,  I will be back here tomorrow for the Pinterest Pin-along.  I hope to see you here and would love to see your projects!


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