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A new adventure: The Re Challenge

For a while now I have been sharing my refashion, recycle, reinvented projects with you.  I have blogged about the virtues of handmade, and my desire to live a simpler less stuff life.

Well, I have been working on the details for quite some time now but I have started a new blog named “The Re Challenge”.  I want you to join me in inspiring others and being inspired to need less and live a more handmade life.

Here is some info from The Re Challenge blog site:

Re-Fashion, Re-Create, Re-Use, Recycle, Reduce, that is our goal.

The Re-Challenge is a challenge to anyone who should accept it to practice the 5 Re’s before going out and buying something new or even worse, mass produced.

Less is more and new is not necessarily better.

If you have a Re project you have worked on, go over to the blog and send them in.  I may post your project.
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