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and the blogiversary giveaway winners are…..

I have been working on getting the Handmade Easter craft-along projects together today.  Does anyone know how to create a button for the craft-along to put in my side bar? Ok so quickly, before I get to the good stuff (the winners) I just wanted to leak some more details about the Easter craft-along.

1. I am finishing a new crochet pattern for the cutest Easter baskets you’ve ever seen and I WILL be sharing them for free…only to those who sign up for the craft-along.  
2. We will be making some really cool and super duper easy chocolates for our baskets
3. Forget that yucky, petroleum based easter grass that gets all over everything, I have a better idea
4. Get ready to make some really easy and cute little gifts for your little one.  
I will leak more stuff tomorrow so stay tuned.
Thank you to everyone who visited and left comments or shared my blogiversary celebration with me.  It was super fun.  It took forever to write out everyone’s name who left a comment or posted to facebook etc and make sure that everyone got the right number of entries.  There was one winner who was not a follower so please if you enter a giveaway make sure you are a follower of this blog or I have to pick another winner.

Drum roll please……………………………..
From Day one: A pair of crochet Mary Janes in your choice of color and size from ME!!!

and the winner is:
Kris said: Those slippers are adorable! They make me want to learn how to knit, but I have to get through my mental list of projects before I can take on knittting!

Day two: A too cool t-shirt from Path to Freedom.

 and the winner is:
The Adventurer said: You have a great blog and I am now following. I love that felt cake:) Will be stopping by again.

Day three: Your choice of crochet pattern from Holland Design.

and the winner is:
Hey there said: Lovely blog!! I spent a good bit of browsing time yesterday and enjoyed it very much.

Day five: A set of 5 100% wool felt sheets.

 and the winner is:
Momma Rae said: yummy wool felt!! 😉

Day six: Your choice of wool sweater from Resweater. 

and the winner is:
Hallie said: I love using sweaters to make fun toys etc! I’d be so excited to win! Thanks for the chance! 🙂

Day seven: A beautiful pair of earrings from The Clover Dilly.  

and the winner is:
Kathy said: JUst found your lovely blog. I look forward to tagging along.  

Congrats to all the winners!!!!  I will be sending you emails.  To everyone who did not win, stick around there will be more in the near future.

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Blogiversary Blogger Guest- Path to Freedom and Giveaway

Day two of year three
I am so excited to share this next blogger with you, that I put them first! This was a really hard post to put together because this next guest is really hard to put on one post.

About 6 years ago I stumbled across this blog: Path To Freedom. This would be a defining moment for me because I did things which I thought no one else did and cared about things I was not too sure were important to others back then.  Before most people ever coined the phrase “going green” this family was happily and quietly working the little land they had and making strides toward self sufficiency that has inspired millions around the world to try to do something themselves.  If I only shared one thing about them it would be this video 

But….it’s not the only thing I am going to share.

The Dervaes family, Dad Jules, Daughters Anais and Jordan and son Justin, grow most of their food, make their own honey, bio-deisel, raise a flock of chickens, ducks and goats, are all solar powered, use solar cookers and self made cob oven, and so much, much more all on their little urban homestead the size of 1/5th of an acre which they have turned into a homestead right in the city of Pasadena.   This is a journey which they started in 1985 and continue to perfect and reinvent daily.

photo coutesy of Urban  
This is the back yard garden, every inch is planted and every space utliized yet so pretty and organized.  The front yard is so beautiful but so full of food.

They are the real deal and I am very fortunate to have them representing our dedication to getting back to basics here and they are giving one of you a Path to Freedom t-shirt. 

all photos used courtesy of Urban

 If you visit their blog, make sure to have already fed your family and pets because you could spend alot more time there than you meant to.

So without further adieu, meet Anais Dervaes with a little Q&A from me.

My favorite blogs are: http://down—to—

My favorite color is: Blue

My first job was: Doing chores on homestead

My favorite guilty pleasure is: Donuts & french fries

The best advice I ever received is: If we are afraid to be different from the world, how can we make a difference in the world? ~Rev. John I. Jenkins

I am inspired by: Ruth
If I have an afternoon off I like to: Practice guitar
Think quick, if there was a fire and you could only grab three things (not people) what would they be: Sewing machine, knitting needles, camera

and finally here’s an encouraging quote from Farmer D (Jules Dervaes)

“Start by taking small steps, but start! People today may be prone to consider start-ups in terms of a Grand Opening, but in regards to changing your life within an all-encompassing system, the only way to do so is to have an unheralded, non-spectacular opening. It is a matter of following one step with another repeatedly until a great thing can be achieved.

“The most important step we have taken has been to grow some of our own food. Paraphrasing Theodore Roosevelt, I encourage people to do what they can, where they are, with what they have—right now.”

Jules Dervaes, Founder of the URBAN HOMESTEAD® 

Winner will be announced on Wednesday night, April 6th!
This Crunchy Catholic Momma’s giveaway can be entered by any ONE of three ways.  You get an entry for every one that you do.
1) By linking about this giveaway (to your blog, facebook, or any other site), you have to let me know you did and where you did.
2) By leaving a comment

3) By becoming a follower of my blog. There is a FOLLOW button at the upper right hand bar on this blog.  If you win and are not a follower, the prize will go to the next person : ( sorry!
Just remember to please leave me a comment telling me what you did so that I can go back and look for your entry. Either give me the link that you posted for the giveaway to or tell me that you began to follow me. 

Good luck to all my bloggy friends and thank you for joining me for my blogiversary giveaway week.

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