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home for the holiday

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So I’m back where I belong.  but not really.   This is our house but its not our home.  Our new home does not feel like home and our old home feels like it but isn’t.  Very confusing to this heart of mine.   It is so wonderful to be back here though ans see how Alexandra and Lewis have changed it and made it all theirs.  It’s also much warmer than back in Kentuckiana and that is a welcome feeling.

Sorry for my absense but I have been soaking up every minute with Alexandra, Lewis and baby Lewie, oh what can I say about my grandson?  He is so precious.  He is quite enamored with his momma, only happy to be away from her arms for minutes at a time when one of his uncles or aunts will swoop in to hold him.  I have stolen whatever moments are left to kiss and smell him.  He is quite wonderful.

We were so very blessed to come home for a few days to spend Thanksgiving with all of our kids, all under one roof.  Heaven.  Even luckier was that our friends drove up to be with us also, cooking, eating, playing football. Oh, it’s all good.

So much food, desserts and drinks.  A whole day of cooking with my beautiful babies is all that I really need and it means that this is my favorite holiday.  We had the traditional foods, including our favorite stuffing, pecan and pumpkin pie and some very good apple crisp made by Charlei,  mulled spiced wine and this wonderful new addition, kale and brussel sprouts salad.

A few Christmas movies watched when we were all too full to move and we’ve made it through another holiday.  I hope your Thanksgiving day was wonderful and full of love.  Until tomorrow!

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apples and ducks


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on a rather cold day, we finally got to go to Huber Farms.  It was suggested by a few of you when we were still living in Florida and after looking it up, I had planned to go as soon as we got here.  That didn’t exactly happen the way I had planned and by the time we had time to go to Huber Farms, their upick season was over.  Needing apples and wanting local ones, we went there anyway.

What a beautiful farm.  We ended up buying 50 pounds of apples, which is really not that much actually and the kids, well, they have worked their way through half of it which means that I may have to go and buy more to meet my goal of having enough apple sauce and apple butter until spring when there will be lots more option to put up.  We walked out with lots of apples, some pumpkins, a bunch of honey sticks and some amazing cheese selections.

Of course, apples and produce are nice but once my children saw the ducks, well, that would become the rest of our time at the farm.  They miss having ducks and chickens and I these ducks were drawn to us like bees to honey,  especially Eddie, he became the duckie pied piper.  they followed him everywhere and the swans, oh so beautiful.  Erica had them eating out of her hand, naturally, my animal girl.  They all love her.   I guess my kids aren’t the only ones who miss the animals.  These ducks were the cutest not to mention the chunkiest ducks I have ever seen.  Actually, it seems all animals we have seen here are so much bigger than those in Florida.  Seriously,  the deer we have seen here are three times bigger than back home.

A long beautiful drive brought us back home to do something with all these apples and I better hurry.  These kids are going through those apples very quickly.  Matthew likes to choose an apple, take one little baby sized bite and then return it to the basket.  Sneaky, that little apple snatcher.  Apples are probably our favorite fruit.  Now, I’m off to finally peel, cut, and process them, even the ones with baby bites.


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